Myaladumparai, also known as Mayiladumparai, is a village in Theni district, Tamil Nadu, India. It is located in Andipatti taluk, about 36 kilometers southwest of the subdistrict headquarter Andipatti. As of the year 2011, the village had a total population of 29,731.
Myaladumparai is situated on the eastern bank of Vaigai River, with the State Highway 101 running through it. The village covers a total area of 12075 hectares.
According to the 2011 census of India, there were 29,731 people residing in 8,628 households in Myaladumparai. Its literacy rate was 58.71%, significantly lower than the state average of 80.09%.
- ^ "Population finder 2011". Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India. Retrieved 3 January 2025.
- ^ Census of India 2011 Tamil Nadu District Census Handbook Theni (PDF). Directorate of Census Operations Tamil Nadu. p. 98.