Nīcgale Forest
The site contains EU Habitats Directive habitats - old or natural boreal forests, old mixed broadleaf forests, walking forests. This is the Natura 2000 area.
A large number of protected plant species are found here, including ramsons (Allium ursinum), clustered bur-reed (Sparganium glomeratum), downy buttercup (Ranunculus lanuginosus), Lyon's notchwort (Tritomaria quinquedentata ).
One of the species of flowering plants - hairy agrimony (Agrimonia pilosa) is protected under EU Nature directives.
Nīcgales forest is home to a significant number of butterfly species, including marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia), Scarce fritillary (Euphydryas maturna, (Lycaena dispar), scarce heath (Coenonympha hero), woodland brown (Lopinga achine), blue underwing ( Catocala fraxini), Pericallia (Pericallia matronula). Protected fauna species include white-backed woodpecker (Picoides leucotos), middle spotted woodpecker (Leiopicus medius), Ural owl ( Strix uralensis), Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum).
In total :
- 17 species of birds are protected under EU Nature directives.
- 3 species of invertebrates are protected under EU Nature directives.
- ^ Nīcgales Meži Protected Planet
- ^ Nicgales mezi European Environment Agency
- ^ (in Latvian) Nīcgales meži daba.gov.lv
- ^ Ranunculus lanuginosus (Downy Buttercup)
- ^ Nature Protection Board. Nicgale Forests