  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Operation Kiran

Operation successful

  • All PKK members inside the region are neutralized
  • 43 caves and camps belonging to PKK inside the region are destroyed
Belligerents  Turkey Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)Commanders and leaders Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkey Gen. Arif Çetin
(General Commander of Gendarmerie)
Turkey Maj. Gen. Nuri Öztürk
Turkey Maj. Gen. Yavuz Özfidan
Turkey Col. Tahsin Saruhan Murat KarayılanUnits involved

Gendarmerie General Command

General Directorate of Security


Strength 2000 700-800Casualties and losses None 600+ Killed

Operation Kıran (Turkish: Kıran Operasyonu) was a military operation in Turkey, conducted by Turkish security forces, including police, gendarmerie and village guards. The operation started at 17 August 2019 and was under the command of the Ministry of Interior.

Operation timeline

Operation Kıran-1

17 August 2019

Phase 1 was launched in three provinces including Hakkari, Şırnak and Van. In total 12 caves and shelters belonging to PKK was destroyed.

Operation Kıran-2

28 August 2019

Phase 2 was launched in three provinces.

Operation Kıran-3

21 September 2019

Phase 3 was launched in two provinces including Siirt and Şırnak with 2,325 security personnels. Reportedly 16 PKK members, including 2 in Turkey's wanted list, were killed, wounded or captured. 6 shelters belonging to PKK were destroyed and 4 IEDs were defused.

Operation Kıran-4

Operation Kıran-5

8 November 2019

Phase 5 was launched in three provinces including Diyarbakır, Muş and Bingöl with 300 security personnels.

9 November 2019

PKK's Ağrı responsible Halis Ersayan, who was sought on Turkey's grey list with a reward of 300,000 Turkish liras ($53,000) was killed.

Operation Kıran-6

13 November 2019

Phase 3 was launched in three provinces including Hakkari, Şırnak and Van with 2,360 security personnels. 1 RPG-7, 1 sniper rifle, 14 hand grenades, 34 ATGM ammunition, 18 kg TNT were seized by Turkish security forces, while 4 IEDs were defused as well.

15 November 2019

5 ton marijuana was seized by the police. Reportedly 2 IEDs were defused as well.

Operation Kıran-7

23 November 2019

Phase 7 was launched in Tunceli Province with 2,250 security personnels.

See also