Per the Constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act, Padali is administrated by an elected Sarpanch (head of village).
List of sarpanch
- Surekha Jadhav 2017-2022
- Manjusha Bhoj 2012-2017
- Bhanudash Jadhav 2007-2012
- Uma Augade 2002-2007
- Shivaji Bhoj 1997-2002
Padali is a village in Karad Taluka in Satara District of Maharashtra, India. It belongs to Desh or Paschim Maharashtra region and to Pune Division. It is located 32 km to the south of Satara, the district headquarters. It is located 28 km from Karad, and 276 km from the state capital Mumbai. The pin code is 415106 and the post office is Padali (Satara). Nearby villages include Gaikwadwadi, Gosavewadi, Banugadewadi, Wather, Sathewadi. Padali is surrounded by Karad Taluka to the north, Kadegaon Taluka to the South, Koregaon Taluka to the east, and Patan Taluka to the west.
Nearby cities include Satara, Wai, Mahabaleswar, and Karad.
Railway station
- Satara Rail Way Station - 35 km
- Targaon Rail Way Station - 10 km
Engineering Colleges near Padali
- Satara Polytechnic Khindwadi Satara
- K.B.P. Polytechnic, Panmalevadi varied Satara
- Gourishankar Polytechnic, Limb Khind Satara
- Government Eng. College, Vidhyanagar Karad
- Satara College of Pharmacy Degaon, Satara
Schools & Colleges near Padali
- Z.P. Primary School Padali
- Sardar Babasaheb Mane Vidyalaya Padali