Paqu Paquni
Paqu Paquni (Aymara paqu paqu sorrel colored, paqu a kind of edible herb, the reduplication indicates that there is a group or a complex of something, -ni a suffix to indicate ownership, "the sorrel colored one" or "the one with a complex of the paqu herb", Hispanicized spelling Pacopacone) is a 5,031-metre-high (16,506 ft) mountain in the Andes of Peru. It is situated in the Moquegua Region, General Sánchez Cerro Province, Chojata District, east of Jukumarini Lake.
- ^ "Cerro Pacopacone". IGN, Peru. Archived from the original on February 2, 2015. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
- ^ Radio San Gabriel, "Instituto Radiofonico de Promoción Aymara" (IRPA) 1993, Republicado por Instituto de las Lenguas y Literaturas Andinas-Amazónicas (ILLLA-A) 2011, Transcripción del Vocabulario de la Lengua Aymara, P. Ludovico Bertonio 1612 (Spanish-Aymara-Aymara-Spanish dictionary)
- ^ - UGEL map of the General Sánchez Cerro Province (Moquegua Region)