People caste
Thevar form the majority group in this village. Castes such as Ambalakarar, Parayar and Chettiyar are also found.
Agriculture is one of the main occupations. Rice, sugarcane, groundnut, and coconut are the major crops cultivated in this village.
Farming and business are the main activities of the people in Paravakkottai. Although Paravakkottai is not in lower ground to the nearby water tank, ground water is always available.
In the village there are 3 govt schools and 1 private school. There 2 elementary schools.
Government higher secondary was located in main road near the state bank 6 to 12 Tamil medium and English medium also available and groups available are computer science, math, biology, and vocational groups.
State Bank of India is located in this village. It is opposite to Government Higher Secondary School. The Bank have one attached ATM center
Paravakkottai is located between Mannargudi and Adirampattinam in the route of Madukkur. Paravakkottai is connected by road to Chennai(333 km), capital of Tamil Nadu(333 km)a nd other major towns in South India. Nearest major railway station is Mannargudi (12 km). The nearest international airport is Tiruchirapalli (103 km).
As per the 2011 census, Paravakkottai had a total population of 7698 with 3937 males and 3761 females. Male literacy stands at 84.71% while female literacy rate was 65.91%.
- ^ "Village Boundary Map". Archived from the original on 22 July 2015. Retrieved 22 February 2013.
- ^ "Census of India: Search Details".