  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Parsons Green Tube Station

Parsons Green is an above-ground London Underground station on the Wimbledon branch of the District line that opened in 1880. It is between Fulham Broadway and Putney Bridge stations and is in Zone 2. There are entrances on Parsons Green Lane and in Beaconsfield Walk. The station is a short distance north of the green itself. It was previously a train-operator depot, until functions were transferred to Earl's Court.


Designed by a Mr Clemence under the supervision of John Wolfe-Barry, the station was opened on 1 March 1880 when the Metropolitan District Railway (now the District line) extended its line south from West Brompton to Putney Bridge.

Past plans

Parsons Green was a proposed stop on the Chelsea-Hackney Line, known now as Crossrail 2. It would have either supplemented or replaced the existing District line service on much of the Wimbledon Branch.

North of the station, the line would have branched off into a new tunnelled section that could carry it into Victoria station, via a new station on the Kings Road, Chelsea station. Crossrail 2 will be built to National Rail standards and will go to Wimbledon via Clapham Junction instead. The route was safeguarded in 1991 and again in 2007.


On 15 September 2017, around 8:20 am BST, an explosion inspired by ISIL on a train carriage at the station injured 30 people. No fatalities were reported. The explosion was treated by the Metropolitan Police as a terrorist incident.

The attacker, Ahmed Hassan, was tried for attempted murder in March 2018. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment and must serve a minimum of 34 years. On 6 April 2019 it was announced that Lt. Col. Craig Palmer, a passenger on the affected tube train, had been awarded the Queen's Commendation for Bravery for his part in helping to bring the bomber to trial and conviction.


Parsons Green is an intermediate terminating point for both District line services. Below are the seven sidings explained:

  • Two sidings east of the station:
    • One is only accessible from the eastbound running line, and can accommodate two D Stock or two S Stock trains
    • The second is only accessible from the westbound running line and can accommodate one D Stock or one S Stock train
  • Five sidings west of the station:
    • Two sidings west of the eastbound platform. These are accessible from the westbound platform and accommodate one D Stock or S Stock train
    • Two sidings west of the westbound, also accessible from the westbound platform.
    • There is a siding just behind the westbound platform, which could only fit a C Stock train. As C Stock trains are no longer in use on the system, this siding is out of commission.
