As of 2001 India census, Pavoor had a population of 6916 with 3433 males and 3483 females. Pavoor is a small village located in northern boundary of Kerala in vorkady panchayath, Manjeshwar, Kasaragod. Both Hindu and Christian houses have this house name in common. Majority of Muslims are living here.
The youth of Pavoor are well educated and literacy rate is more than 90% in this region. There are many educational institutions within a 4 km radius, including:
- ALP Govt School
- Fathima English medium School
- BCP Tuition Centre
BCP Tuition Center is the Institution where tuition is provided from LKG to UG students...
Local roads have access to National Highway No.66 which connects to Mangalore in the north and Calicut in the south. The nearest railway station is Manjeshwar on Mangalore-Palakkad line. There is an airport at Mangalore.
This locality is an essentially multi-lingual region. The people speak Tulu, Beary bashe, Konkani, Malayalam and Kannada. Migrant workers also speak Hindi and Tamil languages.
This village is part of Manjeswaram assembly constituency which is again part of Kasaragod (Lok Sabha constituency)
- ^ Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India. "Census of India : Villages with population 5000 & above". Archived from the original on 8 December 2008. Retrieved 10 December 2008.