Raipur Araiyan
The village has schedule caste (SC) constitutes 70.05% of total population of the village and it doesn't have any Schedule Tribe (ST) population.
The village has a Punjabi Medium, Co-educational Upper Primary school (GMS Raipur Araiyan School). The school provide mid-day meal as per Indian Midday Meal Scheme and the meal prepared in school premises. The school was founded in 1994. It also has a privet Punjabi Medium, Co-educational Primary with Upper Primary school.
Phillaur Junction is the nearest train station which is situated 12 km away, however, Goraya Railway Station is 18.9 km away from the village.
The nearest domestic airport is located 44 km away in Ludhiana and the nearest international airport is located in Chandigarh also a second nearest international airport is 145 km away in Amritsar.
- ^ "Raipur Araiyan Population Census 2011". census2011.co.in.