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Roman Catholic Diocese Of Padua

The Diocese of Padua (Italian: Diocesi di Padova; Latin: Dioecesis Patavina) is a Latin diocese of the Catholic Church in Veneto, northern Italy. It was erected in the 3rd century. The diocese of Padua was originally a suffragan (subordinate) of the Patriarchate of Aquileia. When the Patriarchate was suppressed permanently in 1752, it became a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Udine. In 1818, when the dioceses of northern Italy were reorganized by Pope Pius VII, it became a suffragan of the Patriarchate of Venice, and remains so today.

The current bishop is Claudio Cipolla.

The seat of the bishop of Padua is in the Cathedral-Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta. The diocese also contains the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua and the Basilica of Santa Giustina.


The Diocese of Padua covers the most part of the Province of Padua, out of a main part of the higher plain. It also includes areas from the surrounding provinces of Vicenza (Thiene, Asiago and Plateau of the Sette Comuni, Monte Grappa, southern Valsugana), Venice (Riviera del Brenta), Treviso (Valdobbiadene) and Belluno (Quero).


In a manuscript of the 14th century, containing a list of the bishops of Padua, the statement is made that Prosdocimus, a disciple of S. Peter the Apostle, was sent to Pavia in 42, and that he died in the reign of Antoninus Pius (138–160). He baptized Vitalianus, the king of Padua, his wife, and the whole people of Padua (Padua was actually a municipium under the Lex Julia Municipalis). During his episcopate, Duke Andrea Dandolo of Venice came to Padua. Justina (Giustina), the daughter of Vitalianus was driven out and killed. All this information, as Francesco Lanzoni points out, derives from the hagiographical fiction, the "Life of S. Prosdocimus", which is not older than the 12th century. Of his thirty successors in the episcopal list, only two have any external documentation at all, and those two are given in the wrong order in the list. The legendary Fidentius Armenus, supposed third bishop, was venerated as a martyr.

In 1148, following the murder of Bishop Bellino, the Abbot of S. Giustina for the first time joined the Chapter in the election of bishops. Perhaps also the Primicerius of the Parocchi was given the same privilege. They elected Giovanni Caccio, who was confirmed by the Patriarch of Aquileia, and was in office by 29 July 1148.

Troubled election of 1283

Following the death of Bishop Joannes Forzate on 4 June 1283, the Canons attempted to gather for an electoral meeting. Trouble began when the Primicerius complained about his right to take part in the election along with the Archpriest and the Canons, and that he had not been summoned to the meeting. On 24 July 1283, he announced his intention to appeal to the pope. Several days later, the Canons assembled again and elected Prosavio, who was then Bishop of Treviso. But he refused the election. On 1 August 1283, another meeting took place with the Archpriest Bovetinus presiding. Five of the Canons voted for Canon Prencevalle di Bonifaccio Conti (Percevalle), while the other five voted for Giovanni dagli Abbati. Five other electors made no nomination. Those who had voted for Giovanni dagli Abbati declared him elected and sought his consent, which was given; they prepared a certificate of election which was to be given to the Patriarch of Aquileia for his approval and canonical institution. Giovanni dagli Abbati requested time to consider his response. The supporters of Prencevalle did the same, and the conflict ended up in the court of the Patriarch, where it was heard in March 1284.

Cardinal Latinus Frangipani Malabranca, the Bishop of Ostia and nephew of Pope Nicholas III (1277–1280), who was papal Legate in the Romandiola, declared that Giovanni dagli Abbati had no right to be considered for election, based on information provided to the effect that Giovanni was a simoniac, living in concubinage, and was a source of scandal.

The Patriarch was prepared to rule in favor of Giovanni, who by that time had two-thirds of the electors on his side, but heavy pressure was applied by the family and friends of Prencevalle, and the Patriarch therefore quashed the entire election. He then, on his own initiative as Metropolitan, provided (appointed) a new bishop, who was Prencevalle, despite the fact that Prencevalle was only in minor orders and required a papal dispensation to be elected bishop. The entire affair was appealed to the Holy See. Despite the appeal, the Patriarch went ahead and consecrated Prencevalle and had him installed as Bishop of Padua.

On 1 July 1286, Pope Honorius IV issued a mandate to the Bishop of Castello, Bartolomeo Quirini, to suspend Prencevalle from the spiritual and temporal administration of the diocese of Padua, and to confiscate all the fruits and other income which he had received from the time of his provision in March 1284. Quirini was ordered to cite Prencevalle to appear at the papal court within six weeks. The Pope appointed Apostolic Administrators for the diocese of Padua, the Archpriest and Canon Andrea Gausoni. Prencevalle failed to appear before the pope, and therefore the Bishop of Castello proceeded against him. Eventually Prencevalle submitted his resignation.

On 4 March 1287, Pope Honorius IV appointed Bernardus, a canon of Agde (France) and an auditor causarum (judge) in the papal court, as the new bishop of Padua.

Pileo di Prato

Bishop Pietro Pileo di Prato of the diocese of Treviso was appointed bishop of Padua by Pope Innocent VI on 12 June 1359. As bishop, he summoned and presided over a diocesan synod on 8 March 1360. At exactly the same time he was involved in his capacity as Grand Chancellor of the University of Padua, in mediating a dispute between the Law Faculty and the Arts Faculty, as to whether there should be one university or two. On 20 March 1360, he issued his decision, that there should be two institutions, but that the Rector of the Arts should swear to obey the statutes of the Law Faculty. In 1361, he modified the statutes of the cathedral Chapter, allowing younger Canons who were studying at the university to do so without penalty for their absence from their cathedra duties. Bishop Pileo also obtained from Pope Urban V a chair in theology for the University of Padua, only the third such chair to be established, after Paris and Bologna. In 1394, he founded the Collegio Pratense in Padua, for the benefit of scholars studying at the University of Padua, and provided for the institution in his Testament of 1399.

In 1348, Padua, like most large cities in Italy, was attacked by the Bubonic Plague. A Paduan chronicler reports that scarcely one-third of the population survived the onslaught. In 1382, another major visitation of the plague took place. It began apparently in Friuli, then spread to Belluno, Feltre, Treviso and Venice (where 20,000 people died between May and November 1382). Finally Padua and the Romandiola suffered. All of the monks in S. Maria dell' Alto in Monselice died.

In 1594, the Chapter of the cathedral of the Assumption was composed of four dignities and twenty-two Canons.


In 1751, pressured both by Austria and Venice, who were exasperated by the numerous discords in the patriarchate of Aquileia, Pope Benedict XIV was compelled to intervene in the ecclesiastical and political disturbances. In the bull "Injuncta Nobis" of 6 July 1751, the patriarchate of Aquileia was completely suppressed, and in its place the Pope created two separate archdioceses, Udine and Goritza. The dioceses which had been suffragans of Aquileia and were under Venetian political control, Padua among them, were assigned to the new archdiocese of Udine.

Post-Napoleonic reorganization

The violent expansionist military policies of the French Revolutionary Republic had brought confusion and dislocation to the Po Valley. Following the redistribution of European territories at the Congress of Vienna, the Papacy faced the difficult task of restoring and restructuring the Church in various territories, according to the wishes of their rulers. Padua and Venice were under the control of Austria, and therefore a Concordat had to be negotiated with the government of the Emperor Francis. One of the requirements of the Austrian government was the elimination of several metropolitanates and the suppression of a number of bishoprics which were no longer viable due to the bad climate (malaria and cholera) and the impoverishment of the dioceses due to migration and industrialization; it was expected that this would be done to the benefit of the Patriarchate of Venice.

Pope Pius VII, therefore, issued the bull "De Salute Dominici Gregis" on 1 May 1818, embodying the conclusions of arduous negotiations. The metropolitan archbishopric of Udine was abolished and its bishop made suffragan to Venice. The dioceses of Caprularum (Caorle) and Torcella were suppressed and their territories assigned to the Patriarchate of Venice; Belluno and Feltre were united under a single bishop, aeque personaliter, and assigned to Venice; Padua and Verona became suffragans of Venice.

Diocesan synods

A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. Its purpose was (1) to proclaim generally the various decrees already issued by the bishop; (2) to discuss and ratify measures on which the bishop chose to consult with his clergy; (3) to publish statutes and decrees of the diocesan synod, of the provincial synod, and of the Holy See.

Bishop Giovanni Savelli (1295–1299) held a diocesan synod in 1296, fragments of whose constitutions were published by Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio. Bishop Ildebrandino Conti (1319–1352) held a diocesan synod in 1339. Bishop Pietro Pileo di Prata (1359–1370) presided over a synod in 1360.

On 3 June 1433, Bishop Pietro Donato (1428–1447) held a diocesan synod, the constitutions of which were published by Bishop Dondi. Bishop Fantino Dandolo (1448–1459) presided over a diocesan synod in 1457. Another synod was held by Bishop Pietro Barozzi (1487–1507) in 1488.

A diocesan synod was held in 1579 by Bishop Federico Cornaro (1577–1590). Bishop Marco Antonio Cornaro (1632–1639) presided over his seventh diocesan synod in Pavia on 17 and 18 April 1624, and had the decrees published. A diocesan synod was held by Bishop Giorgio Cornaro (bishop of Padua) (1643–1663) on 20–22 August 1647. Bishop Gregory Barbarigo (1664–1697) held a synod in 1683.

Bishops of Padua

to 1200

  • Crispinus (attested 342–346)
  • Bergullus (attested 571–577)
  • Dominicus (attested 827)
  • Rorigus (attested 855)
  • Petrus (attested 897)
  • Sibico (attested 927)
  • Adalbertus (attested 942)
  • Gauslinus (Causilinus) (attested 964–977)
  • Urso (Ursus) (attested 998–1027)
  • Aistulfus (attested 1031)
  • Burchardus (Burhardus) (attested 1034–1040)
  • Arnaldus (attested 1046–1047)
  • Bernardus Maltraversus (attested 1048–1058)
  • Waltolf (1060–1064)
  • Oldericus (1064–1080)
  • Milo (1084–1095)
  • Petrus (1096–1106)
  • Sinibaldus (1106–1125)
  • Bellinus (1128–1147)
  • Giovanni (Kazo) (1148–1164)
  • Gerardo Offreducci da Marostica (1165–1213)

1200 to 1500

Sede vacante (1386–1388)

1500 to 1800

since 1800

Sede vacante (1796–1807)


  1. ^ "Diocese of Padova {Padua}" Catholic-Hierarchy.org. David M. Cheney. Retrieved February 29, 2016.
  2. ^ "Diocese of Padova" GCatholic.org. Gabriel Chow. Retrieved February 29, 2016.
  3. ^ Kehr, Italia pontificia VII. 1, p. 156.
  4. ^ Dondi dall'Orologio, Dissertazioni Vol. 1, "Documenta", pp. 8–12. Lanzoni, pp. 915–917.
  5. ^ Giustiniani, pp. I–II, gives the dates of 48 and 141. He also credits Prosdocimus with the construction of the church of S. Sofia and the oratory of the Virgin Mary in Prato della Valle; such construction was impossible when Christianity was still an illegal association rather than a legal cult.
  6. ^ Lanzoni, p. 915: "...questa lista non abbia alcun valore storico...."
  7. ^ Giustiniani 1786, p. viii–xii.
  8. ^ Dondi dell' Orologia, Dissertazioni VI, p. 4.
  9. ^ Dondi dall'Orologia, Dissertazione VIII, p. 7.
  10. ^ Dondi dall'Orologia, Dissertazione VIII, pp. 5-10. Cappelletti X, pp. 524-525. Eubel I, p. 385, notes 3, 4, 5.
  11. ^ Maurice Prou (1888). Les registres d'Honorius IV (in Latin and French). Paris: E. Thorin. pp. 379–380, no. 548.
  12. ^ Maurice Prou (1888). Les registres d'Honorius IV. p. 380.
  13. ^ Maurice Prou (1888). Les registres d'Honorius IV. p. 528.
  14. ^ Maurice Prou (1888). Les registres d'Honorius IV. pp. 528–529.
  15. ^ Eubel I, p. 386.
  16. ^ Dondi dall'Orologio VIII, pp. 106–107.
  17. ^ There had originally been one university, which the law professors came to dominate to the extent that all members of the university where obliged to obey their statutes and their Rector. The professors of Medicine and of the arts set up their own organization with their own Rector, and were agitating to be considered a separate university independent of the Law faculty. Dondi dall'Orologio VIII, p. 107.
  18. ^ Dondi dall'Orologio VIII, p. 108.
  19. ^ Dondi dall'Orologio VIII, p. 109. Others put it that the University was entitled to issue doctoral degrees in theology.
  20. ^ Dondi dall'Orologio VIII, p. 112. Malmignati says that the number of scholars was set at 20, and that they were to be drawn from Padua, Venice, and Treviso. Antonio Malmignati (1874). Petrarca a Padova, a Venezia e ad Arqua' con documento inedito (in Italian). Padova: Sacchetto. p. 39.
  21. ^ Francis Aiden Gasquet, The Black Death of 1348 and 1349, second edition (London: Bell 1908), p. 30.
  22. ^ Dondi dell' Orologio, "Dissertazioni" VIII, p. 123.
  23. ^ Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 275, note 1.
  24. ^ Sanctissimi domini nostri Benedicti Papae XIV Bullarium (in Latin). Vol. Tomus tertius. Mechlin: Hanicq. 1827. pp. 41–61.
  25. ^ Pius VII (1853). Andreas Barberi and Rinaldo Secreti (ed.). Bullarii Romani continuatio (in Latin). Vol. Tomus decimus quintus continens pontificatus Pii 7. annum decimum nonum ad vicesimum quartum. Roma. pp. 36–40.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) Cappelletti X, p. 808.
  26. ^ Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (March 19, 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 706-727.
  27. ^ "Documentum XXXIII": Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio (1815). Dissertazioni sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica di Padova (in Italian). Vol. Dissertazione VIII. Padova: tipografia del Seminario. pp. 65–69.
  28. ^ Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio (1816), Dissertazione sopra li riti, disciplina, costumanze della Chiesa di Padova, sino al XIV secolo, (Padova: Stamperia del Seminario), p. 12. Francesco Scipione Dondi dall'Orologio; Pilleo di Prata (1795). Sinodo inedito, e notizie della di lui vita (in Italian). Padova: Penada.
  29. ^ :Documentum XIII": Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio (1817). Dissertazioni sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica di Padova (in Latin). Vol. Dissertazione IX. pp. 32–43.
  30. ^ Dondi dall' Orologio (1816), Dissertazione sopra li riti, disciplina, costumanze della Chiesa di Padova, sino al XIV secolo, p. 12.
  31. ^ Catalogue des livres imprimez de la Bibliotheque du roy. Theologie (in French). Vol. Premiere partie. Paris: de l'Imprimerie royale. 1739. pp. 295, no. 1348.
  32. ^ Marco Cornaro (1624). Constitutiones et decreta Illustriss .& Reuerendiss. D. D. Marci Cornelii Patauini Episcopi Comitisque Saccensis in septima diœcesana synodo promulgata die 17. & 18. Aprilis 1624 (in Latin). Pavia: Typis Pasquati.
  33. ^ Georgius Cornaro (1660). Constitutiones et decreta in sua prima Dioecesana Synodo celebrata anno 1647 diebus 20. 21. et 22. Augusti promulgata (in Latin). Padua: P. Frambotti.
  34. ^ Crispinus: Lanzoni, p. 912.
  35. ^ Bergillus: Lanzoni, pp. 912–913.
  36. ^ Bishop Dominicus was present at the council of Mantua in 827. Kehr VII. 1, p. 155.
  37. ^ On 8 February 855, the Emperor Louis confirmed the privileges of the Church of Padua for Bishop Rorigus. Gloria, Andrea (1877). Codice diplomatico padovano, dal secolo sesto a tutto l'undicesimo (in Italian and Latin). Venezia: Deputazione veneta di storia patria/Marco Vesentini. pp. 27–28, no. 13.
  38. ^ Bishop Petrus was Archchancellor of King Berengarius I, who granted him privileges in a charter dated 5 May 897. Luigi Schiaparelli (1903). I diplomi di Berengario I (in Italian and Latin). Roma: Bottega d'Erasmo. pp. 56–58. Kehr VII. 1, p. 153.
  39. ^ Sibico: Kehr VII. 1, p. 153.
  40. ^ Adalbertus (or Adelbertus): Schwartz, p. 56.
  41. ^ Gauslinus: Schwartz, p. 56.
  42. ^ In 1026, Urso was serving as papal Apocrisiarius. Schwartz, p. 56.
  43. ^ Aistulfus: Schwartz, p. 56.
  44. ^ Bishop Burchardus: Schwartz, p. 56.
  45. ^ Bishop Arnaldus attended the synod of Pavia on 25 October 1046. Schwartz, p. 57.
  46. ^ Bishop Bernardus was granted the right to coin money by the Emperor Henry III in 1049. Schwartz, p. 57.
  47. ^ Waltolf: Schwartz, p. 57.
  48. ^ Odelricus received a reply from Pope Alexander II to an inquiry as to what to do with one of his priests who had fornicated with his own mother. Kehr VII. 1, p. 158, no. 3. Schwartz, pp. 57-58.
  49. ^ Milo was a Ghibelline. He took part in the anti-Gregorian synod of Brixen on 25 June 1080. He took part in the synod of Ravenna of the Antipope Clement III on 27 February 1086. On 26 June 1090, on the demand of Antipope Clement III, the Emperor Henry granted Bishop Milo the city of Padua. Kehr VII. 1, p. 159, no. 6. Schwartz, p. 58.
  50. ^ Bishop Petrus was a Ghibbeline, and was deposed by Pope Paschal II at the Council of Guastalla in October 1106. He refused to submit or leave, and held his episcopal seat and power as late as 1110. Kehr VII. 1, p. 159, no. 7.
  51. ^ Sinibaldus was appointed to supersede the deposed Bishop Petrus. On 15 March 1107, in the episcopal palace in Padua, Bishop Sinibaldus signed a privilege for the Benedictine monks. But he was expelled from his diocese, and lived at the church of S. Thecla Adestina. He died in October 1125. Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio (1807). Dissertazioni sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica di Padova (in Italian). Vol. Dissertazione quarto. pp. 42–73. Dondi dell'Orologia, "Dissertazione quinto" (Padova 1808), p. 16. Kehr VII. 1, p. 159, no. 7.
  52. ^ Bellinus may have been German, but it has also been argued that he was a native of Padua. He was a Canon and Archpriest of the cathedral Chapter of Padua, attested from 1107 to 1126. He died on 26 November 1147. Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio (1808). Dissertazioni sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica di Padova. Vol. Dissertazione V and VI. Padova: tipografia del Seminario. pp. V, 6–51. Cappelletti X, p. 508–511.
  53. ^ Giovanni Kazo (Joannes Caccius) was a member of the Paduan nobility, and a Doctor of Canon Law. On 24 July 1148, Bishop Giovanni performed an investiture. On 6 October 1161, he entered into an agreement with Frederick Barbarossa. Ughelli V, pp. 440–441. Cappelletti X, pp. 511–513. Gams, p. 748, column 1.
  54. ^ Gerardo was elected on the morning of 25 March 1165. He resigned the diocese in October 1213, due to advanced age. Ughelli V, pp. 441–444 (with an obsolete date). Dondi dell' Orologia, Dissertazioni VI, pp. 22-70. Cappelletti X, pp. 514–517. Gams, p. 748, column 1.
  55. ^ Giordano had been Provost of the cathedral Chapter of Modena. He was elected Bishop of Padua on 28 January 1214; his successor as Provost of Modena was appointed on 31 July 1214. Bishop Giordano died on 5 November 1228. Francesco Scipione Dondi dall' Orologio (1813). Dissertazioni sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica di Padova (in Italian). Vol. Dissertazione settima. Padova: tipografia del Seminario. pp. 3–37. Cappelletti X, pp. 517–529. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, p. 385 (where he is called Joannes).
  56. ^ "Diocese of Padova". Retrieved 2010-04-13..
  57. ^ Forzatè: Bishop Giovanni died on 24 June 1283. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, p. 5.
  58. ^ Bernardus was appointed by Pope Honorius IV on 4 March 1287. On 21 May 1295 he wrote his Testament. An election of his successor was quashed by the pope in November 1295. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 21-22. Maurice Prou (1888). Les registres d'Honorius IV. pp. 528–529. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, p. 385 with note 5.
  59. ^ In succession to Bishop Bernardus, the Chapter elected Oliviero da Monselice, but the election was quashed by Pope Boniface VIII on 14 November 1295. He appointed Fra Giovanni Savelli, O.P. in his place. He took possession of the diocese by 17 May 1296. He was transferred to the diocese of Bologna, and his successor was appointed on 11 February 1299. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 22-27. Eubel I, p. 385.
  60. ^ A native of Piacenza, Ottobono had been an Auditor causarum contradictarum in the Apostolic Palace (judge of appeals). He was provided (appointed) by Pope Boniface VIII on 11 February 1299, as Bishop Giovanni Savelli was transferred to Bologna. On 31 March 1302, Pope Boniface VIII, having quashed the election of Pagano della Torre to the Patriarchate of Aquileia, and appointed Bishop Ottobono of Padua in his place. Georges Digard, Les Registres de Boniface VIII, cinquième fascicule (Paris: Thorin 1890), p. 331, no. 2906. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 27-30. Eubel I, p. 385.
  61. ^ Pagano della Torre was the nephew of the late Patriarch Raimundus of Aquileia, and Dean of the cathedral Chapter of Aquileia. Disappointed at not receiving his uncle's throne in March 1302, he was consoled by Boniface VIII when he was given the bishopric of Padua on 9 April 1302. On 23 March 1319, he was transferred by Pope John XXII to the patriarchate of Aquileia. He died on 19 December 1331. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 30−53. Eubel I, pp. 99, 385.
  62. ^ Conti was a member of the distinguished Roman family. He was a Canon of Sens and of Tours. He was provided (appointed) by Pope John XXII to the diocese of Padua on 27 June 1319, but a document of 7 October 1321 indicates that he was still bishop-elect. He was consecrated in Avignon by the Bishop of Ostia, Rainaldo di Porta (1321–1325). He spent the next twelve years in Avignon, governing the diocese of Padua through a series of Vicars General. On 3 April 1325, the cathedral Chapter in Padua wrote to Ildebrandino in Avignon, asking him to confirm their privileges. He finally left Avignon on 11 September 1332, and arrived in Padua on 9 November (Dondi, p. 65). On 8 August 1333, he returned to Avignon. On 15 January he returned to Padua, and on 7 April 1339 he held a diocesan synod. On 25 April 1339, he attended the provincial council of Aquileia. He was sent by Pope Clement VI to Genoa as his nuncio on 12 February 1345, in an attempt to keep the peace in northern Italy; in the first week in April he was in Milan, negotiating with the Visconti, and on 6 July articles of peace were agreed upon. In 1346, he was sent to Germany to negotiate with Louis the Bavarian. On 8 May 1351, he attended a provincia synod, summoned by the Papal Legate, Cardinal Gui de Boulogne. He died on 2 November 1352. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 53-102. Cappelletti X, pp. 527-528. Eubel I, pp. 385-386.
  63. ^ Giovanni Orsini was the brother of Rinaldo Orsini, who had been made a cardinal in 1350. He was treasurer of the cathedral chapter of Vercelli, and sacristan of Urgel (Aragon), both of which were benefices, not actual offices with duties. He was appointed Bishop of Padua on 14 January 1353 by Pope Innocent VI. In 1369, Pope Urban V remarked that he had still not taken possession of his diocese. Dondi believes that Orsini never visited his diocese, but was always ad presens in R(omana) Curia commorantis, as several documents state. On 16 June 1359, the Chapter of Padua was notified that Bishop Orsini had died. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 102=106. Cappelletti X, pp. 528-529. Eubel I, p. 386.
  64. ^ Bishop Pietro Pileo di Prato of the diocese of Treviso was appointed bishop of Padua by Pope Innocent VI on 12 June 1359. On 23 January 1370, he was named archbishop of Ravenna by Pope Urban V. Dondi dall'Orologio. Sinodo inedito. p. 40. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 106-112. Eubel I, p. 385.
  65. ^ Giovanni had been Bishop of Cervia. He was named Bishop of Padua by Pope Gregory XI in 1370. The pope, however, received a complaint from Francesco da Carrera, the Lord of Padua, who asked the pope to name another candidate. Piacentini was therefore named Archbishop of Patras (Greece). Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, p. 112. Eubel I, p. 386.
  66. ^ Beaufort, a papal notary, and a Canon of Tournai, was a relative of Pope Gregory XI: "de persona dilecti filii Heliae electi Paduanensis, tunc Apostolicæ Sedis Notarii, qui nobis affinitate proxima conjunctus, generis nobilitate perspicuus, multisque virtutibus praedotatus existit, eidem Paduanensi Ecclesiæ duximus providendum." He was appointed (provided) by the Pope, in January 1371. Pestilence prevented Elia's appearance in Padua; on 15 January 1372, he was still functioning through a Vicar General, the Archpriest of the cathedral. He was transferred to the diocese of Castres (France) on 14 November 1373. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, p. 112–113, 239. Eubel I, p. 173, 386.
  67. ^ When he transferred his relative, Bishop Elia, Pope Gregory, in ignorance of the war and conspiracy between the Carrarese and Venice, appointed Giacomo Lion, one of the conspirators, to the diocese of Padua. Outraged, the Carrarese demanded an alternative, and Gregory obliged by naming Raimundus, Abbot of S. Nicolo di Lido, instead. Raimondo was consecrated in Venice in February 1374, and made his entry into Padua on 25 March. He served as nuncio in Lombardy, and as collector of papal revenues in Aquileia, Grado, Zara, and Milan. When the Western Schism began in 1378, the Carraresi supported the Avignon pope, Clement VII, and one of the Canons went to Avignon to offer his obedience. Documents of December 1386 and January 1387 indicate that Bishop Raimondo had gone over to the Avignon Obedience. On 13 January 1387, the episcopal throne was vacant, according to local documents. Raimondo was expelled from his diocese, being a supporter of the Avignon pope Clement VII. Clement gave him the Priory of S. Victor in Geneva on 20 December 1386. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 113–130. Eubel I, p. 386 with note 11.
  68. ^ There may have been two intrusi, Lodovico and Alberto. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, p. 131.
  69. ^ Joannes Anselmini was appointed by Urban VI (Roman Obedience) on 1 October 1388, on the demand of the Visconti of Milan, who had conquered Padua. In 1391, the Carraresi drove out the Visconti adherent, Bishop Giovanni Anselmini, and demanded a replacement from Boniface IX. Boniface, who liked Anselmini, transferred him to the diocese of Adria on 20 March 1392 (Dondi) or 26 August 1392 (Eubel). He died as Bishop of Adria in 1404. Dondi, "Dissertazioni" VIII, pp. 130–132. Eubel I, pp. 71, 386.
  70. ^ Roberti: Eubel I, p. 386.
  71. ^ Stefano was a Canon of Padua, and was in deacon's orders. He was appointed Bishop of Padua by Boniface IX of the Roman Obedience on 10 April 1402. He was "Administrator" of the diocese, not being in episcopal orders. He was transferred to the diocese of Nicosia (Cyprus) Eubel I, pp. 366, 386.
  72. ^ Micheli had been Archbishop of Corfù (1392–1405). He was appointed Bishop of Padua on 8 March 1406, by Innocent VII (Roman Obedience). He died in 1409. Eubel I, pp. 209, 386.
  73. ^ Marcello took possession of his diocese on 28 July 1409. Dondi dall' Orologio. Dissertazioni (in Italian). Vol. Dissertazione IX. p. 10. Eubel I, p. 386.
  74. ^ Petrus Donatus had been Archbishop of Crete (1415–1425) as an appointee of John XXIII, and Bishop of Castello (1425–1428). He was named Governor of Perugia, with the powers of a legate, on 25 October 1425, by Pope Martin V. He was appointed Bishop of Padua on 16 June 1428, by Pope Martin V. He died in 1447. Eubel I, pp. 171; 216 with note 15; 386.
  75. ^ Dandolo's grandfather, Andrea, had been Doge of Venice. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. On 19 October 1447, the Chapter of Padua met and elected Gregory Correro, but on the same day the Senate of Venice chose Fantino Dandolo, Archbishop of Candia (Crete), and submitted his name to Pope Nicholas V for confirmation. The pope granted his approval on 8 January 1448. Dandolo died on 17 February 1459. Ughelli V, pp. 455-456. Cappelletti X, pp. 534-537. Eubel II, p. 210.
  76. ^ Barbo, a nephew of Pope Eugenius IV, was born in Venice in 1417. He was named a cardinal by his uncle in 1440. He was named Bishop of Padua on 9 March 1459, but, since he was not consecrated a bishop until after his election to the papal throne as Paul II in 1464, he was only "Administrator" of the diocese. He resigned on 26 March 1460. Cappelletti X, pp. 537. Eubel II, p. 210.
  77. ^ Zeno: Ughelli V, pp. 456-457. Eubel II, p. 210.
  78. ^ Foscari was the nephew of Francesco Foscari, Doge of Venice. He was appointed Bishop of Treviso in 1455. He was named a cardinal by Pope Sixtus IV on 10 December 1477. He was transferred to Padua on 15 April 1481. He was never consecrated a bishop, and thus was only an Administrator. He died on 11 August 1485 at Bagni di Viterbo. Eubel II, pp. 18, no. 20; 210.
  79. ^ Corner, Flaminio (1755). Creta sacra sive de episcopis utriusque ritus graeci et latini in insula Cretae. Vol. II. Venice: Jo. Battista Pasquale. p. 89.
  80. ^ Barozzi died on 10 January 1507, at the age of seventy-eight. Ughelli V, pp. 457-458.
  81. ^ Sisto Franciotti Gara was the nephew of Pope Julius II, grand-nephew of Pope Sixtus IV, and brother of Cardinal Galeozzo Franciotti della Rovere. He was not residential. He governed the diocese through a Vicar General, Antonio Vacca, titular bishop of Nicomedia (Turkey). He died on 8 March 1517, at the age of forty-four. Lorenzo Cardella (1793), Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa Tomo terzo (Roma: Pagliarini), pp. 339-340. (in Italian) Cappelletti, pp. 550-551. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, p. 11. no. 18; 257; 267.
  82. ^ A native of Venice, Cornaro was the son of Senator Giorgio Cornaro and brother of Catherine, Queen of Cyprus. He was named a cardinal by Pope Alexander VI on 28 September 1500. He was appointed Bishop of Padua by Pope Leo X on 9 March 1517, the day after the death of Cardinal Sisto Gara della Rovere. He held a diocesan synod in 1524. He died in Venice on 24 July 1524. Cappelletti X, p. 551. Eubel II, pp. 24, no. 33; III, pp. 7, no. 35; 267.
  83. ^ A native of Venice, his elder brother Marco was named a cardinal in 1500. He himself was named a cardinal on 1 July 1517, by Pope Leo X. He was named Bishop of Padua on 8 August 1524, though he was not consecrated a bishop until 5 May 1527. He participated in the siege and sack of Rome in May 1527, and spent 18 months in Naples as a hostage. He resigned in 1555, in favor of his nephew, Luigi Pisani. Cardella, Memorie IV, pp. 68-70. Cappelletti X, p. 551. Eubel III, p. 267. Giuseppe Trebbi, "Pisani, Francesco," in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 84 (2015) (in Italian).
  84. ^ Luigi (Alvise) Pisani was the nephew of Doge Andrea Gritti of Venice. He succeeded his uncle, Cardinal Francesco Pisano, as Bishop of Padua, in 1555. On 12 March 1565, Luigi was named a cardinal by Pope Pius IV. He died on 29 June 1570. Cappelletti X, p. 551 (who states that he died on 31 May). Eubel III, pp. 40, no. 29 (where it is stated that he died on 3 June); 267 (where it is stated that he died on 29 June).
  85. ^ Ormanetto was a native of Verona. He was appointed Bishop of Padua on 3 July 1570 (or 17 July, according to Cappelletti X, p. 551). He died on 18 January 1577. P. Preto, "Un aspetto della Riforma cattolica nel Veneto: l’episcopato padovano di Niccolò Ormaneto," in: Studi veneziani XI (1969), pp. 325, 327. Eubel III, p. 267 with note 6.
  86. ^ Federico Cornaro was Bishop of Trau (1560–1561), and then Bishop of Bergamo (1561–1577). He attended the Council of Trent in 1562 and 1563. He was named Bishop of Padua on 19 July 1577, by Pope Gregory XIII. On 18 December 1585, he was named a cardinal by Pope Sixtus V. He died in Rome on 4 October 1590. Cappelletti X, pp. 551-552. Eubel III, pp. 51, no. 5; 267 with note 7; 133 with note 12; 316.
  87. ^ Alvise (Luigi) was the nephew of Cardinal Federico Cornaro. He was appointed titular Bishop of Paphos (Greek island) and coadjutor bishop of Padua with the right of succession, on 19 February 1590, by Pope Sixtus V. He succeeded to the episcopal throne on the death of his uncle on 4 October 1590. He died on 31 October 1594, at the age of thirty-six. Cappelletti X, p. 553. Eubel III, pp. 267 with note 7; 269.
  88. ^ Gauchat, page 275.
  89. ^ A native of Venice, Pietro Valier was the grand-nephew of Cardinal Bernardo Navagero and the nephew of Cardinal Agostino Valier. He had been a Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures. He had been bishop of Famagusta (Cyprus) (1611–1620), then Archbishop of Creta (Crete) (1620–1623); he was named a cardinal on 21 January 1621. He was then Bishop of Ceneda for two years (1623–1625). He was transferred to the diocese of Padua by Pope Urban VIII on 18 August 1625. Valier died on 5 April 1629, having made the cathedral Chapter the heir in his Testament. Lorenzo Cardella (1793), Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chies, Vol. VI (Rome: Pagliarini, 1793), pp. 206-208 (in Italian); Cappelletti X, p. 554. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, pp. 144 with note 3; 168; 184 with note 3.
  90. ^ Nicolaus Comnenus Papadopoli (1726). Historia gymnasii Patavini. Vol. Tomus I. Venice: Sebastian Coleti. pp. 111–112. Gauchat, p. 275.
  91. ^ Gauchat, P. 276 with note 5. "Bishop Marco Antonio Cornaro" Catholic-Hierarchy.org. David M. Cheney. Retrieved December 14, 2016.
  92. ^ Stella was a native of Venice, and held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. He had been Bishop of Rethymo (Crete) (1609–1615), Archbishop of Zara (Dalmatia) (1615–1623), then Archbishop of Creta (Gandia, Crete) (1623–1632), and then Bishop of Vicenza (1632–1639). He was transferred to the diocese of Padua on 11 July 1639. He died in December 1641. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, pp. 168 with note 6; 207 with note 5; 276 with note 6; 295 with note 3; 368 with note 6.
  93. ^ Cornaro, who was titular Archbishop of Rhodes and papal Nuncio to Portugal, was named a cardinal by Pope Innocent XII in the consistory of 22 July 1697. Cardinal Cornaro was appointed Bishop of Padua on 26 August 1697. He was a member of several congregations in the Roman Curia: Bishops and Regulars, Rites, the Council, and the Consulta. He died on 10 August 1722. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 308 with note 3.
  94. ^ Born in Venice in 1658, the son of Marcantonio Barbarigo, Procurator of S. Marco, Giovanni Barbarigo had been Bishop of Verona (1698–1714), then Bishop of Brescia (1714–1723). He was appointed Bishop of Padua on 20 January 1723 by Pope Innocent XIII. He died on 26 January 1730. Lorenzo Cardella (1794), Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa, Vol. VIII (Rome: Pagliarini, 1794), pp. 182-185. Cappelletti X, p. 558. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 127 with note 6; 309 with note 4; 411 with note 5.
  95. ^ Born in Venice in 1675, he obtained the degree of Doctor in utroque iure in Rome from the Sapienza in 1703. He became president of the Apostolic Camera (the fifth-highest official in the Treasury department). He became a referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures, and Auditor of the Congregation de propaganda fide. He was named Archbishop of Nazianzus (Turkey) on 16 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII (Orsini). He was transferred to the diocese of Padua on 8 February 1730, and authorized to retain the title of archbishop. He died on 9 December 1742. Cappelletti X, p. 558. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 283 with note 6; 309 with note 4.
  96. ^ Rezzonico was appointed on 11 March 1743, by Pope Benedict XIV, and consecrated in Rome by the Pope on 19 March 1743. He was elected Pope Clement XIII on 6 July 1758. Cappelletti X, pp. 558–561. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 330 with note 2.
  97. ^ Veronese was born in Venice in 1684. In 1708, he became a Canon of the cathedral Chapter of Padua, and in 1709 obtained the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the University of Padua. In 1720 he became the Vicar General of Bishop Giovani Ottoboni. He served in the same capacity for Cardinal Rezzonico. Pope Benedict offered him the bishopric of Treviso, but he refused. Veronese was appointed Bishop of Padua on 11 September 1758, by his predecessor, Pope Clement XIII, and ten days later he was named a cardinal. He died on 1 February 1767, at the age of 83. Cappelletti X, pp. 561-562. Ritzler & Sefrin, p. 330 with note 3.
  98. ^ Born in Venice in 1707, Priuli obtained the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the University of Padua in 1734. He was Archpriest of the cathedral of Padua. He was appointed Bishop of Vicenza on 19 December 1738. He was named a cardinal on 2 October 1758. After twenty-nine years in Vicenza, he was transferred to the diocese of Padua by Pope Clement XIII on 6 April 1767. He died on 26 October 1772. Cappelletti X, pp. 562-563. Ritzler & Sefrin, p. 330 with note 4; 441 with note 2.
  99. ^ Born in Venice in 1712, Giustiniani held a doctorate in theology from the University of Padua. He became Prior of the monastery in Vicenza in 1748, having taught philosophy, theology, and canon law in houses of the Order of S. Benedict. He was Bishop of Torcella from 1753 to 1759. He was nominated to the see of Verona by the Doge and Republic of Venice on 12 August 1759, and transferred to the diocese of Verona on 12 February 1759, by Pope Clement XIII. On 14 December 1772, he was appointed Bishop of Padua by Pope Clement XIV. He died on 12 November 1796. Cappelletti X, pp. 563. Ritzler & Sefrin VI, pp. 330 with note 5; 410 with note 3; 439 with note 3.
  100. ^ Dondi was born in Padua in 1756. Following the death of Bishop Giustiniani, a vacancy occurred in the diocese due to French invasions, Austrian invasions, the ending of the Republic of Venice, and the deposition and imprisonment of Pope Pius VI. During this time, from 1796 to 1807, Dondi served as the Vicar Capitular in charge of the affairs of the diocese of Padua. In 1805 he was appointed titular bishop of Tremithus on the island of Cyprus by Pope Pius VII. On 18 September 1807, Pius named him Bishop of Padua. Dondi was present at the Napoleonic Council of Paris in 1811. He died on 6 October 1819. Dondi was the author of more than ten volumes on the history of the Church and bishops of Padua. Acta et decreta sacrorum conciliorum recentiorum: Acta et decreta s. conciliorum quae ab episcopis Galliae ab. a. 1789. usque ad a. 1869. celebrata sunt (in Latin). Vol. Tomus quartus. Friburg im Breisgau: Herder. 1873. pp. 1223–1320, 1264. A.G. Brotto, Francesco Scipione Dondi dall'Orologio, vicario capitolare e vescovo di Padova (1796–1819) (Padova 1909). Cappelletti X, p. 563. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, pp. 300, 376.
  101. ^ Farina had been the ecclesiastical councillor in the imperial government in Vienna. He was nominated Bishop of Padua by Francis I on 20 November 1820, and preconised (approved) by Pope Pius VII on 13 August 1821; he was consecrated two days later. He died on 10 May 1856. Angelo Gambasin (1987). Un vescovo tra illuminismo e liberalismo: Modesto Farina e il Seminario di Padova (1821-1856) (in Italian). Padova: Istituto per la storia ecclesiastica padovana. ISBN 978-88-97835-24-0. Cappelletti X, p. 563.
  102. ^ Born in Rovigo in 1792, of the Marchesi Manfredini, Manfredini studied under the Somaschi Fathers in Pisa and Pistoia. He then studied theology at the University of Padua, from 1811 to 1815. He was a strong supporter of both the Tuscan and Austrian Hapsburgs. He was named titular Bishop of Famagusta (Cyprus) in 1842, and appointed Vicar General of Padua on 28 September 1842, a post he held until 1851. He was nominated Bishop of Padua by the Emperor Franz of Austria on 21 January 1857. He was preconised (approved) by Pope Pius IX on 19 March 1857. He died on 17 August 1882, at the age of 89. Angelo Gambasin (1967). Il clero padovano e la dominazione austriaca (1859-1866) (in Italian). Roma: Ed. di Storia e Letteratura. pp. 75–82. GGKEY:L52BYZUANQD. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 191; VIII, p. 443.
  103. ^ Callegari was born in Venice in 1841. He studied at the seminary of the Patriarchate of Venice. He was ordained in 1864, and taught at the diocesan seminary until 1873, while serving as a working priest in the diocese. He was appointed Bishop of Treviso by Pope Leo XIII on 28 February 1880. On 25 September 1882, he was transferred to the diocese of Padua. In 1892, he was offered the diocese of Venice, but he declined. He was named a cardinal on 9 November 1903, by Pope Pius X. He died in Padua on 14 April 1906. Harris M. Lentz III (2009). Popes and Cardinals of the 20th Century: A Biographical Dictionary. McFarland. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-7864-4101-3. Martin Bräuer (2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 201. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, pp. 444, 538.
  104. ^ Dalla Costa was born in Villaverla (province of Vicenza) in 1872. He studied at the seminaries of Vicenza and Padua. After ordination he taught literature in the seminary of Vicenza. On 23 May 1923, he was appointed Bishop of Padua. His principal accomplishment was the rebuilding of fifty churches destroyed during World War I. He was appointed Archbishop of Florence on 19 December 1931, and served as Apostolic Administrator of the diocese of Padua during the vacancy of January–May 1932. He was named a Cardinal by Pope Pius XI on 13 March 1933. He died on 22 December 1961. Tito Casini (1972), Elia Dalla Costa : vita e magistero, Firenze: Libreria editrice fiorentina. Giulio Villani (1974), Il vescovo Elia Dalla Costa. Per una storia da fare, Firenze: Vallecchi. Giovanni Pallanti (2012), Elia Dalla Costa. Il Cardinale della carità e del coraggio, Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni San Paolo. Martin Bräuer (2014). Handbuch der Kardinäle: 1846-2012 (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 281–282. ISBN 978-3-11-026947-5.
  105. ^ Agostini was born in 1888, in San Martino di Lupari, a commune between Treviso and Vicenza, some 28 miles north of Padua. He served as a priest of the diocese of Treviso. He was named Bishop of Padua by Pope Pius IX on 30 January 1932. He was appointed Patriarch of Venice on 5 February 1949. He was named a cardinal in 1952, but he died on 28 December 1952, before the installation consistory of 12 January 1953. Pierantonio Gios (1986). Un vescovo tra nazifascisti e partigiani: Mons. Carlo Agostini, lescovo di Padova (25 luglio 1943-2 maggio 1945) (in Italian). Istituto per la storia ecclesiastica padovana. ISBN 9788897835257. R. J. B. Bosworth (2014). Italian Venice: A History. New Haven CT USA: Yale University Press. p. 183. ISBN 978-0-300-19387-9.
  106. ^ Boertignon was born in Fellette (a suburb of Bassano in the Veneto) in 1905. He became a Capuchin priest in 1928. In 1944 he was appointed titular bishop of Lydda, and named Administrator of the diocese of Belluno e Feltre. He was a vice-president of the bishop of the bishops' conference of the Triveneto. On 1 April 1949, he was transferred to the diocese of Padua by Pope Pius XII. He resigned at the age of 76 on 7 January 1982, and died in 1992. Lorenzo da Fara (1993). Mons. Girolamo Bortignon vescovo cappuccino: le radici della vita (in Italian). Dosson di Casier (TV): Colibrì.
  107. ^ Francesca Lazzarini, Benvenuti a BRANDEGLIO, "Mons Filippo Franceschi di Brandeglio"; retrieved: 14 August 2020.
  108. ^ CV of Bishop Cipolla: Chiesa di Padova, "S. E. Mons. ANTONIO MATTIAZZO, vescovo emerito di Padova;" retrieved: 24 August 2020. (in Italian)
  109. ^ CV of Bishop Cipolla: Chiesa di Padova, "S. E. Mons. Claudio Cipolla vescovo di Padova;" retrieved: 24 August 2020. (in Italian)


General references for bishops


  • Cheney, David M. Catholic-Hierarchy.org, "Diocese of Padua". Retrieved: 29 August 2020.
  • Benigni, Umberto. "Padua." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 11. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. Retrieved: 29 August 2020.
  • Chow, Gregory. GCatholic, "Diocese of Padua" , unreferenced. Retrieved: 27 August 2020.

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