Søndre Nordstrand
Søndre Nordstrand (Southern Nordstrand) is a borough of the city of Oslo, Norway. It is the southernmost borough of Oslo, bordering Nordstrand. As of 2020 it has 39,066 inhabitants and the highest rate of immigrant population at 56%. It is the only borough of Oslo that has a majority-minority population.
Neighborhoods in Søndre Nordstrand include:
- ^ Municipality of Oslo (2020). "Befolkningen etter bydel, kjønn og aldersgrupper 1.1.2020" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 29 April 2020.
- ^ Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) (2020). "Stopper bosetting av flyktninger i bydeler med mange innvandrere 17.1.2020" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 30 April 2020.
- ^ Aftenposten (2013). "Her har flertallet innvandrerbakgrunn 25.4.2013" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 30 April 2020.