STA Plaza
It is one of Spokane Transit's four primary transit centers, along with the Spokane Community College, Pence-Cole Valley, and West Plains transit centers.
Prior to the construction of the STA Plaza, Spokane Transit's downtown bus operations were dispersed outdoors along downtown streets obstructing storefronts and congesting sidewalks.
As early as the 1970s, discussions were in place to centralize operations and create an indoor facility for passengers to wait and make transfers. The initial proposal was a public-private partnership that would have built the transit center on the ground floor of a new high rise office and retail building. However, after the deal collapsed, the plan evolved into a two-story building to be developed by Spokane Transit Authority.
The facility opened in the summer of 1995 and was designed by Tan Boyle Heyamoto Architects.
The interior of the STA Plaza underwent a major renovation in 2017. Open space within the plaza atrium was expanded and improvements such as electronic arrival monitoring boards were added. The renovation was designed by ALSC architects.
In preparation of the City Line, Plaza Bays 9 and 10 were upgraded with raised platforms, shelters, digital real-time arrivals board, off-board fare collection, and a City Line branded station marker. Plaza Bay 6 was also later upgraded with similar amenities during a Riverside Avenue reconstruction project in anticipation of future high performance transit lines. In May 2023, Bays 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, and 12 also received STA branded station markers with digital real-time arrival times.