San Mateo De Otao District
San Mateo de Otao is one of the 32 districts of the Huarochirí Province in the Lima Region. The district was created by order of the law Nº 10001 on November 7, 1944 and its capital is San Juan de Lanca.
It has 7 villages:
- San Juan de Lanca
- Santo Toribio de Cumbe
- San Miguel de Tapicara
- Santa Cruz de Ucro
- Los Milagros de Salpín
- Santa Rosa de Canchacalla
- San Mateo de Otao
San Mateo de Otao District has some few tourist attractions: El Kurimakas, The ruins of Marca-marca, the ruins of Huarichaca, and Quinchicocha.
Also it is a district that has many valleys of fruits like chirimoyas, avocados, apples, tumbo, and other fruits.