Shaikh Rajada
90% of population is muslim and around 10% are christens. Punjabi is the mother tongue of villagers. Basically village belongs to Buttar of Jutt clan but Cheema, Chatha, Virk , Minhas etc are also living.
The village has Govt. Primary Schools for boys and girls. However, since it is near to the city hence over 30% of children are getting their education from the main city's school. The literacy rate of the village is nearly 60%.
The main source of income of families here is agriculture. Nearly 70% of population is, directly or indirectly, affiliated with agriculture. Main crops of the village are Rice/Wheat and strawberry. Being near to the main city Shaikh Rajada is growing very fast in terms of population. Moreover, the village is exposed to brick Kiln.
- ^ "Shaikh Rajada - FallingRain Genomics Inc". Retrieved 20 January 2012.
- ^ "Shaikh Rajada, Punjab, Pakistan". Retrieved 20 January 2012.