  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Tašmaruništa (Macedonian: Ташмаруништа) is a village in the municipality of Struga, North Macedonia.


The placename Tašmaruništa is a hybrid toponym formed from two terms, the Turkish word Taş meaning stone or rock alongside the Slavic Moruništa, which itself is formed from the word Morun and the suffix išta. Within an older map done by the village is recorded as Moroništa and Pianka Włodzimierz notes that it would not be inconceivable that the sound u has been substituted for o. Regarding the term Morun, Włodzimierz proposes that it could be from the word Moruna, a term for sturgeon fish (Acipenser huso) or from Morun, a personal name stemming from the Greco-Latin Maron, and similar to the name Marin. Of the second context, Włodzimierz contends it could have served as patronymic name as in the nearby toponym Labuništa - Albanopolis alongside the structural function and transformation of the suffix. Włodzimierz notes more research of older documentation needs to be done to be able to resolve that issue.


During the mid-fourteenth century, Aromanians possibly were the inhabitants of Golema Vlaj, a settlement that was partially north of Struga located on the current site of modern Tašmaruništa.


In statistics gathered by Vasil Kanchov in 1900, the village of Tašmaruništa was inhabited by 400 Bulgarian Christians and 70 Muslim Albanians.

According to the 2002 census, the village had a total of 210 inhabitants. Ethnic groups in the village include:

See also


  1. ^ Włodzimierz, Pianka (1970). Toponomastikata na Ohridsko-Prespanskiot bazen. Institut za makedonski jazik "Krste Misirkov". p. 77. "Благодарение на Хан, јасен ни е постанокот на името Ташморуништа. Тоа се состои од турскиот збор таш 'камен, карпа' и македонски топоним Моруништа (Хан бележи на картата: Moronischta, но таква замена на u>o соседство на три сонанта не е ништо чудно, поготово што тоа го забележал странец). Во топонимов се изделува суф. -ишта и основата на именката моруна вид риба "Acipenser huso", или пак основата Морун- која можеме да ја споредиме со основите содржани во топонимите Лабуништа и Солун (с.63), која би одговарала на лат. - грчко Maron- (спор. Марона кај Тахос). Тоа можело да биде лично име (спор. сх име Марин) и тогаш би имале овде патронимично име, или пак некој топоним (спор. Лабуништа - Albanopolis), што би било пример за структурална функција на овој суфикс. Да се реши ова прашање би требало да располагаме со записи од постаро време."
  2. ^ Koukoudis, Asterios (2003). The Vlachs: Metropolis and Diaspora. Thessaloniki: Zitros Publications. ISBN 9789607760869. p. 423. "in the mid-fourteenth century..."; pp. 423-424. "In the same period, Vlachs probably made up the population of Golema Vlaj, which was slightly to the north of Struga on the site of the modern village of Tašmaruništa."
  3. ^ Vasil Kanchov (1900). Macedonia: Ethnography and Statistics. Sofia. p. 253.
  4. ^ Macedonian Census (2002), Book 5 - Total population according to the Ethnic Affiliation, Mother Tongue and Religion, The State Statistical Office, Skopje, 2002, p.131.