  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Tambach-Dietharz is a town in the district of Gotha, in Thuringia, Germany. It is situated in the Thuringian Forest, 19 km south of Gotha.


Since 2012, Marco Schütz (independent) is the mayor. His predecessor was the former lieutenant from the German Army (Bundeswehr) Harald Wrona (FDP).

Places of interest

  • The Falkenstein is a 96 m high, free standing porphyry rock. It is a natural monument and hiking destination. The mountain rescue hut at its foot is managed.
  • The route from Schmalkalden to Tambach-Dietharz is signposted as Martin-Luther-Weg and is a walking route.
  • In the autumn of 1989, a monument to the Swiss Theologian, and protagonist of the Bekennenden Kirche, Karl Barth was raised in front of the Haus Tannenberg. Barth gave his "Tambacher Rede" speech, that introduced a new positioning of protestant Christianity in the 20th century, in this house in 1919.
Old post office
View along street Hauptstrasse to Lutherkirche

Notable people