  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Places an archive box flush right (default) or a wide archive banner containing links to archive pages and a search box to search them. A summary of the archive bot config appears below the search box.



When to use

You may use this template to generate boxed Archive list and search box when there is no Talk page header box at the top of the page, or when the Talk page header does not emit an archive box as part of the Talk header.

Another reason to use template {{Archive box}} is for an article having archives with both standard as well as non-standard names for the archives. This sometimes occurs for older articles that were created before the archiving system became standardized, and have both ad hoc archive names as well as standard ones, or having both standard archives as well as topically-named archives out of the main numerical sequence. In cases like these, you can include both the {{Talk header}} box with no params at the top of the page to pick up all the standard archive names, as well as {{Archives}} with the |list= parameter to pick up all the non-standard names.

Another reason might be to link standard archive names with other display text, or to add annotations next to the linked archive name, even if they are linked using the standard names.

When not to use

When you add this template to a talk page with the {{Talk header}} template, by default each one will display the same archive list and search box. In order to avoid such duplication, either don't use the {{Archives}} template, or turn off archive search box display in the {{Talk header}} template. It is possible to search for Talk pages that have both templates, in order to search for anomalies that may need attention.

Where to place

Place the template last among the header material at the top of a talk page, and before the first section heading.


There is one positional parameter, and 27 named parameters; all are optional. With no parameters, the template displays a rectangular box entitled "Archives" flush-right on the page, with links to every archive page that exists (as long as they have the standard naming scheme), an input box to enter search terms, a search button to search the archives, and a bot notice at the bottom summarizing the configuration parameters for the archive bot.

Descriptions of the parameters below are grouped into five functional areas (see § Descriptions ).

Full list


| 1                   = <!-- unnamed param 1: like param 'list' but may be combined with 'auto' -->
| banner              = <!-- "yes" switches from small, flush-right box to wide centered banner; alias: 'large' -->
| collapsed           = <!-- "yes" or omit -->
| collapsible         = <!-- "yes" or omit -->
| box-width           = <!-- deprecated, use 'style' -->
| style               = 
| search              = <!-- "no" hides the search box; default: "yes" -->
| age                 = 
| target              = 
| image               = 
| alt                 = 
| link                = 
| image-size          = 
| title               = <!-- box top caption; default: "Archives" -->
| list                = <!-- for nonstandard archive names, list them manually; disables param 'auto' -->
| auto                = <!-- set auto=short or auto=no; default: "long" -->
| index               = <!-- Index subpage name, e.g. "Archive index" or "none" if not wanted -->
| archivelist         = <!-- /archivelist -->
| root                = 
| prefix              = 
| start               = <!-- Archive number to start from; default: 1 -->
| search-break        = <!-- default: "no" -->
| search-width        = <!-- default: "22" -->
| search-button-label = <!-- text on button; default: "Search archives"; alias: 'button-label'.  -->
| units               = <!-- bot archiving interval units; default is "day" or "days"; deprecated. (automatic) -->
| bot                 = <!-- name of archiving bot; deprecated (determined automatically) -->
| minthreadsleft      = <!-- bot archiving config param; deprecated. (determined automatically) -->
| editbox             = <!-- "yes" or "no" -->


{{Archives |1= |banner= |collapsed= |collapsible= |box-width= |style= |search= |age= |target= |image= |alt= |link= |image-size= |title= |list= |auto= |index= |archivelist= |root= |prefix= |start= |search-break= |search-width= |search-button-label= |units= |bot= |minthreadsleft= | editbox= }}


{{Archives |1= |age= |alt= |archivelist= |auto= |banner= |bot= |box-width= |collapsed= |collapsible= |editbox= |image= |image-size= |index= |link= |list= |minthreadsleft= |prefix= |root= |search= |search-break= |search-button-label= |search-width= |start= |style= |target= |title= |units= }}


Parameters described below are grouped into functional areas:

What links to display, and their format

No parameters are necessary for detection of numbered archive pages in the standard format Archive_1, Archive_2, and so on. These are detected automatically. Talk page archives having non-standard naming schemes can also be listed, but you have to specify them.

(1st unnamed parameter) or 1=

Inline list of manually maintained archives. For example: "list=[[Archive of 2017]], [[Archive of 2018-19]], [[Archive of 2020]]". No subpages are assumed unless specified (e.g. "list=[[/Archives/2017]]" and so on). Using this parameter disables automatic detection, but this detection can be re-enabled with auto=long or auto=short, making the template display both manual and automatic archives. This is usually done when other related archives are linked, such as when using centralized talk pages or adding links to archives of alternative accounts.


The same as the unnamed parameter, except the disabling of automatic detection cannot be re-enabled. In other words, using |list= instead of |1= makes the template ignore the |auto= parameter's secondary function of forcing auto-detection.

auto= <short|long|no>

Specifies the format of the auto-generated archive list and forces automatic detection. If left unspecified, the default is "long", meaning links to archives are spelled out ("Archive 42"); any other word (except "no") will result in "short", resulting in shorter links (e.g. "42"; see Example #2), and "no" will disable auto-detection, meaning that even if there are archives following the {{PAGENAME}}/Archive # format they will not be displayed automatically. Auto-detection is also disabled if a manual list is supplied. However, if this list is supplied by the 1st unnamed parameter rather than the list parameter, auto-detection can be re-enabled by overriding the default by using auto=long or auto=short.


Links the "Archives" title to a specified subpage that should be the subject index page for all archived discussions, such as "Archive index". The slash "/" is not used for this parameter. Legobot may be used to create and maintain such an index. To link to a different subpage, only use the subpage name and don't add the slash "/". For example, to link to the Talk:Example/Page Index subpage, use |index=Page Index. |index=none disables this feature.


In conjunction with this parameter you are able to create a whole page where you can customize your archive list. The parameter specifies a link to this page, which should be a subpage that contains the archive list. The name of this page is commonly simply "archivelist", i.e. the same name as its parameter. This is also the default assumption, see notes below. The slash "/" is used for this parameter. As an example of real usage: |archivelist=Wikipedia:Media copyright questions/Archivelist. As you can see Wikipedia:Media copyright questions/Archivelist is set up to be used by the Archives box on its respective page.

Icon image


An alternate image to be used, defaults to "Replacement filing cabinet.svg". May also use image-size. none results in no image.


Alt text for the image, for visually impaired readers. See WP:ALT. This defaults to empty. If a nonempty value is specified for link, alt should be nonempty too, and should indicate what will happen if the user clicks on the image.


Link for the image. This normally defaults to empty, which means no link. However, if alt is nonempty, it defaults to the image's file page.

The link and alt parameters only take effect if the image is changed from the default.

Search box and button


Default: yes. If no, removes the search box.


Specifies a different base than {{FULLPAGENAME}}/. Useful for when this template is located on a different page than the page being archived. Use prefix, if the addition of a trailing slash is not desired. The archive wikilinks generated are of the form root + / + Archive #.


Similar to root, but does not automatically add a trailing slash.


Inserts a newline between the search bar and search button preventing them from being on the same line. Default: no if in banner format yes otherwise


Default: 22


Default: Search archives. "button-label" is an alias.

Archive bot config

Config values defined in the Talk page config to control the archive bot are extracted automatically by this template, and displayed in the bot notice in the bottom of the archive box (or banner) unless suppressed with |nobot=. The parameters formerly used for this purpose are deprecated.


The title of the page (just the name, no link syntax) that threads are currently being archived to, for manual archiving.


Set |nobot=yes to suppress the bot notice normally displayed below the search box.

bot (deprecated)

If specified, a note about automatic archiving will be shown.

age (deprecated)

If specified, this will be displayed as the archiving delay.

units (deprecated)

If specified, this will display units for the archiving delay. The default is "day" or "days".

minthreadsleft (deprecated)

If specified, this will display a note explaining the page won't be emptied out. Not to be confused with User:MiszaBot/config's minthreadsleft parameter, which is not deprecated.

Box style and title


"yes" converts the box design of the template into a talk page banner style of template, with the archives listed in a horizontal row above the search bar, and the bot config notice listed below it.


alias of 'banner'.


If yes, makes the list collapsible.


If yes, makes the list collapsed.


An arbitrary string of CSS can be applied to the box (use with care).


An alternative title, defaults to "Archives". The title is automatically linked to the /archivelist subpage, if it exists. If another link is desired, a wikilink may be inserted here.


If yes or omitted, includes a button to edit the archive box's sub-page /archivelist.

Further details

The {{Archives}} template may be used to add a box containing page links to archived discussions. It will automatically detect archived pages by default, if they follow the format {{PAGENAME}}/Archive #, eliminating the need to manually update the box each time a new archive page is created. However, if a list of archives is given manually through the first unnamed parameter, then it does not check for archives automatically. Instead, auto=long or auto=short has to be added, if both manual and automatic lists are used.

This page is intended to explain the details of template usage. For a general guide to archiving, see: Help:Archiving a talk page, which includes more information on using this template and others. With no explicit parameters, the archive list presented in the box is determined automatically. If a subpage called "{{PAGENAME}}/archivelist" exists, it will be used as the central content of the box.

If no archive list subpage is detected, numbered archive subpages will be listed in long format. Such pages must be named as "/Archive #" in order to be automatically detected. No other naming styles will be auto-detected. The "long" auto format (the default) indicates "Archive 1", "Archive 2", and so on. The "short" auto format indicates only the archive number.

An additional list of archives can be passed in the first unnamed parameter, avoiding the need to set up an archivelist subpage.

Using "auto=no" will disable archive auto-detection. Manually specified archives will still be shown. [The archive box will also contain an "Edit" link, targeted at the archive list subpage, which can then be used to begin manually populating the list, if desired. This seems broken.] This may be desirable, if the archive list is given in the title parameter.

The "auto" and "archivelist" parameters are not intended to be used together. (Doing so does not use the specified archive list page.)

The auto-generated archive list requires subpages to use the common naming convention. That is, "{{PAGENAME}}/Archive 1", "{{PAGENAME}}/Archive 2", and so on. The letter "A" must be capitalized, there must be a single space between the word "Archive" and the number, and there must be no leading zeros. If archive subpages do not conform to this convention, they can be renamed to conform, or a manual list can be maintained.




Short, index, collapsible

{{archives |auto=short |index=/Archive index |collapsible=yes}}