  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Template:Species Table

Creates the top part of a wikitable for use in species lists, such as at List of felids. Closed with {{Species table/end}} (redirect for {{End}}). Interior rows can be either wikitable rows or perferably generated by {{Species table/row}}.


  • Required
    • genus
    • authority-name
    • authority-year
    • species-count
  • Optional
    • authority-not-original (including this with any value adds parenthesis around the author citation; see Author citation (zoology))
    • no-note (removes IUCN footnote; otherwise assumes that a note titled "iucn" exists)
    • narrow-percent (number; changes width of table from 100% to specified percent)
    • sortable (makes table sortable)
    • no-ecology (removes the "Size and ecology" column)
    • group-name (Replaces "Genus" with different text, e.g. Subgenus)



{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |species-count=one}}

Genus Acinonyx Brookes, 1828 – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range Size and ecology IUCN status and estimated population


With no-note=yes to remove the IUCN note on the last column

{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |species-count=one |no-note=y}}
{{Species table/end}}

Genus Acinonyx Brookes, 1828 – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range Size and ecology IUCN status and estimated population


With |authority-not-original=yes set to mark that the authority did not originally use that genus name (see Author citation (zoology))

{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |authority-not-original=yes |species-count=one |no-note=y}}
{{Species table/end}}

Genus Acinonyx (Brookes, 1828) – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range Size and ecology IUCN status and estimated population


With |narrow-percent=(number) to force the table to be less than full-page width; this should not normally be used, but can be helpful in some cases to allow side images to not push down the table.

{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |species-count=one |no-note=y |narrow-percent=75}}
{{Species table/end}}

Genus Acinonyx Brookes, 1828 – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range Size and ecology IUCN status and estimated population


With |sortable=yes to change the table to be sortable; this is not recommended for lists containing multiple species tables, but may be useful for articles containing a single table. A table row is included in this example as otherwise the sorting arrows are not present.

{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |species-count=one |no-note=y |sortable=yes}}
{{Species table/end}}

Genus Acinonyx Brookes, 1828 – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range Size and ecology IUCN status and estimated population
Asian Golden Cat

Tawny cat facing the viewer

C. temminckii
Vigors & Horsfield, 1827

Two subspecies
  • C. t. moormensis
  • C. t. temminckii
Scattered areas of Southeast Asia
Map of range
Size: 71–105 cm (28–41 in) long, 40–56 cm (16–22 in) tail

Habitat: Forest, savanna, grassland, and shrubland

Diet: Mostly unknown, with evidence of preying on rodents, squirrels, and snakes

Unknown Population declining


With |no-ecology=yes to remove the "Size and ecology" column; this is not standard, but may be useful for articles where all of the species have very similar ecology to remove repetition. Consider also setting "narrow-percent" if the resulting table has too much empty space. A table row is included in this example to demonstrate the result; note that both the header template and each row have to have "no-ecology" set or else the table will be malformed.

{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |species-count=one |no-note=y |no-ecology=yes}}
{{Species table/end}}

Genus Acinonyx Brookes, 1828 – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range IUCN status and estimated population
Asian Golden Cat

Tawny cat facing the viewer

C. temminckii
Vigors & Horsfield, 1827

Two subspecies
  • C. t. moormensis
  • C. t. temminckii
Scattered areas of Southeast Asia
Map of range

Unknown Population declining


With |group-name=(text) to change the named grouping from "Genus" to something different, e.g. "Subgenus" or "Tribe"

{{Species table |genus=Acinonyx |group-name=Subgenus |authority-name=[[Joshua Brookes|Brookes]] |authority-year=1828 |species-count=one |no-note=y}}
{{Species table/end}}

Subgenus Acinonyx Brookes, 1828 – one species
Common name Scientific name and subspecies Range Size and ecology IUCN status and estimated population

See also


  1. ^ A note with the name "iucn" must be defined and a {{notelist}} template present unless the "no-note" parameter is included. Otherwise, an error will be displayed at the bottom of the page. The normal note text is:
    Population figures rounded to the nearest hundred. Population trends as described by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.