Thadiya, Rajasthan
Thadiya is a village or Gram panchayat village in shekhala Tehsil Jodhpur district, Rajasthan, India. In the Thadiya village many government and private school are available . There are a number of temples such as Guru Jambheshwar Mandir and Baba Ramdev temple. There is a sub-post office.At the time Thadiya is a very developed village in nearly area.
Nearby places
Nathrau 18 Km, Dewatu, Dechu 8 Km, Gilakor, Lorta 8 Km Peelwa and Kanodiya Purohitan etc.
- ^ "All India Pincode directory with contact details along with Latitude and longitude". Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India. 17 September 2015. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
- ^ "Thadiya Village Population" (PDF). Retrieved 8 November 2020.