The Chase (American Game Show)
The American version of the show follows the same general format as the British version, but with teams of three contestants instead of four. The game is a quiz competition in which contestants attempt to win money by challenging a quizzing expert known as the chaser. Each contestant participates in an individual "chase" called the Cash Builder, in which they attempt to answer as many questions as possible in 60 seconds to earn as much money as possible to contribute to a prize fund for the team. The contestant must then answer enough questions to stay ahead of the chaser in a head-to-head competition scored on a game board; otherwise, they lose their winnings and are out. The contestants who successfully complete their individual chases without being caught advance to the Final Chase, in which they answer questions as a team playing for an equal share of the prize fund accumulated throughout the episode.
Cash Builder and individual chases
Three new contestants participate in each episode. Each contestant attempts to win money for their team by answering as many questions correctly as possible during a one-minute "Cash Builder" round, earning money per correct answer ($5,000 on the GSN version, $25,000 in the first season of the ABC version, and $10,000 in the second and third seasons). (During GSN celebrity episodes where contestants play for an elected charity, each contestant is credited the value of one correct answer at the outset.)
After the Cash Builder, the contestant participates in a head-to-head "chase" against the chaser. Both sides answer a series of questions, with the contestant attempting to move the money down a game board and into the team bank without being caught. The contestant and chaser stand at opposite ends of the board, which has seven spaces, and the contestant chooses a starting position. They may begin three steps ahead of the chaser, requiring five correct answers and play for the money earned in the Cash Builder. Alternatively, they may accept one of two offers from the chaser: either start one step closer to the chaser and play for a higher amount or start one step farther away and play for a lower amount. The lower offer can be zero or even negative, depending on the result of the Cash Builder. On occasion, a contestant is presented with a "Super Offer" to play for even higher stakes with a head start of only one step.
Once the contestant chooses a starting position, the host asks a series of questions with three answer options, and the contestant and chaser secretly lock in their answers on keypads. After either side locks in a choice, the other must do the same within five seconds or be locked out for that turn. A correct answer by either side moves them one space down the board and toward the bank, while a miss or lockout leaves them where they are. If the contestant successfully moves the money into the bank, they advance to the Final Chase and their money is added to the team bank; if the chaser catches up, the contestant is eliminated and their money is forfeited.
If all three contestants fail to win their individual chases, the team selects one contestant to play the Final Chase alone for a dollar amount divided evenly among the team ($15,000 on the GSN version, an amount offered by the chaser in the first season of the ABC version, and $60,000 in the third season). During GSN celebrity episodes, contestants who are caught leave with $5,000 for their respective charities.
The Final Chase
The team randomly chooses one of two question sets for themselves, with the other set put aside for the chaser, and have two minutes to give as many correct answers as possible. Contestants must respond as soon as they are called on and must ring in before they can either respond or pass a question. Any answer given by a contestant who has not rung in is considered incorrect. Ringing in is not required if only one contestant is playing the Final Chase. Every correct answer moves the team one step ahead on the game board and they are given a head start of one step per team member participating in the round. Team members may not discuss or confer on any questions during this portion. If all three team members lose their respective individual chases, they choose one member to play the Final Chase alone (on behalf of the whole team, with a one-step head start). On the first season of the ABC version, this player did not receive a head start.
After the contestants have completed their Final Chase, the chaser then has two minutes to catch the team by answering questions from the unused set in the same manner. If the chaser passes or misses a question, the clock briefly stops and the team is given a chance to discuss it and offer an answer. A correct response pushes the chaser back one step, or moves the team ahead by one if the chaser is still at the starting line. If the chaser fails to catch the team before time runs out, the participating members receive equal shares of the bank; otherwise, they leave with nothing. During celebrity episodes, if the chaser catches the team before time runs out, all three members receive $5,000 each.