Ticsho (possibly from Quechua T'iksu, for inclination or motion to one side, obliqueness, slant, Hispanicized spelling Ticsho) is a volcano in the Andes of Peru, about 3,860 metres (12,664 ft) high. It is situated in the "Valley of the Volcanoes" in the Arequipa Region, Castilla Province, Andagua District. Ticsho lies south-west of the volcano Puca Mauras and west of the volcano Yanamauras.
- ^ Diccionario Quechua - Español - Quechua, Academía Mayor de la Lengua Quechua, Gobierno Regional Cusco, Cusco 2005: t'iksu - s. Sesgo, ladeo, inclinación. || adj. Sesgado, ladeado, de medio lado, inclinado.
- ^ Mariusz Krzak, Ruch turystyczny w rejonie Arequipy i możliwości jego rozwoju w Dolinie Wulkanów (prowincja Castilla) w południowym Peru (Tourist movement in the Arequipa region and the possibilities of its development in the Valley of the Volcanoes (Castilla province) in Southern Peru), GeoTURYSTYKA, 2 (2005) 3-22 (In Polish containing a summary in English on p. 19-22)
- ^ escale.minedu.gob.pe - UGEL Map of the Castilla Province (1) (Arequipa Region)