Tikkurilan Lukio
In 2023, 372 students applied to the Tikkurila IB High School, which offers 30 spots. The acceptance ratio for Tikkurila IB High School in 2023 is approximately 8.06% (comp. Ressu IB 17.88%).
TILU classifies its courses into different class groups that focus on specific subjects. Since 2009 there has been a mathematics and physical education group, in addition to a music group. The school also provides a variety of media and different languages courses including Latin and Japanese. TILU's friend-school is in Singapore and the schools arrange visits to one another's schools annually.
Tilu's principal is Marianna Sydänmaanlakka.
International Baccalaureate
In addition to the typical Finnish curriculum, TILU offers the IBDP, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, with about ninety students in the school. TILU IB is one of the best IB schools in Finland offering a wide range of subjects for students with different aims and goals. In TILU, the IB subject choices are:
- Group 1 - English A1/Finnish A1
- Group 2 - English B/Finnish B
- Group 3 - History/Philosophy/Psychology
- Group 4 - Biology/Chemistry/Physics
- Group 5 - Mathematics HL/SL/studies SL
- Group 6 - Visual arts/additional subject from groups 3-4
In addition, the school also has a personal library for students to use, which other IB schools in Finland do not have. Our students are all-rounded and welcoming!
School Grounds
- Library
- Gym
- Large lunch area
- Large School Yard
- Auditorium
- Lab
- Large study spaces
- ^ "Helsingin Sanomat". Retrieved 9 September 2014.
- ^ "Haku perusopetuksen jälkeisiin koulutuksiin 2023".
- ^ "Applicants to Ressu IB DP 20233".
External links