Timișoara East Railway Station
The station was built in 1886; the railway to Orșova was built in the same year and connected Timișoara with Bucharest and from there with Sofia and Istanbul. The station took over a large part of the traffic from Iosefin railway station (present-day Timișoara North railway station), especially the freight traffic. It provided businesses and factories in the area with materials and goods that were brought in by rail and with the distribution of products from those establishments. Also in Timișoara East there was a line that connected with the city's network of tram lines, having the same gauge.
Due to rail traffic growth, the station was expanded in 1899; during this process, both the building and the number of lines were enlarged. The building itself consisted of a main body, with ground floor and first floor and two secondary bodies. The most recent major change of the building took place in 1970, when it was completely storeyed.
- ^ Ivănescu, Valentin (2009). Cronica ilustrată a Regionalei de Căi Ferate Timișoara. Editura Marineasa. p. 26.
- ^ Bălteanu, Daniel (30 October 2017). "Încă o gară din Timișoara își schimbă înfățișarea pentru 2021. Ce i se întâmplă după aproape un secol și jumătate de la înființare". Opinia Timișoarei.
- ^ "Plecări/Întârzieri trenuri din gara Timișoara Est". Mersul trenurilor.
- ^ Ghinea, Daniela; Miclăuș, Ramona; Sîrbu, Mihaela; Pantić-Telbis, Maria (2013). "Starea economică, socială și de mediu a municipiului Timișoara". Primăria municipiului Timișoara. p. 43.
- ^ Păun, Liana (8 June 2014). "Fabric, cartierul breslelor și al meșteșugurilor (IV). Cum au apărut farmacia Kovács, "gara mică" și "șase case"". pressalert.ro.
- ^ Both, Ștefan (6 April 2013). "Nostalgii timișorene. Amintiri despre orașul de altădată: minunata Gară Domnița Elena și trenul de Buziaș care trecea prin centru". Adevărul.