Timpuri Noi Metro Station
In September 2023, the Metrorex's board of directors announced the intention to rename the station in honor of Octavian Udriște, a former railwayman and one of the Metrorex's first technical engineers and longtime employees, who was among the people who played a vital role to the development of the metro network. The board of directors voted unanimously to rename the station, citing that the Timpuri Noi factory was long gone, but this sparked backlash from residents living nearby who said that the name of the area still lives on despite the relocation of the factory. Shortly after the decision to rename the station, a plaque was unveiled at the station commemorating his work. Metrorex states that the name change will be subjected to public consultation.
- ^ Schwandl, Robert. "București". urbanrail.
- ^ "BREAKING Urmează stația de metrou Octavian Udriște, cu peronul pe partea dreaptă". 11 September 2023.
- ^ "Bucureșteni din Cartierul Tineretului, furioși că Metrorex schimbă numele stației de metrou "Timpuri Noi" în "Octavian Udriște". Petiție cu semnături nonstop".
- ^ "Stația de metrou Timpuri Noi își va mai păstra puțin timp numele și apoi se va numi Octavian Udriște. Primul semn al schimbării poate fi văzut acolo". 21 September 2023.
44°25′01″N 26°06′47″E / 44.41696°N 26.11298°E