  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Tojikobod (Tajik: Тоҷикобод, Russian: Таджикабад Tadzhikabad) is a village in central Tajikistan. It is the seat of Tojikobod District, one of the Districts of Republican Subordination.

Tojikobod is in the Vakhsh river valley and has a Köppen climate classification of Dsa and experiences wet and cold winters with dry cool summers. The town is both a river crossing and highway junction. It is part of the jamoat of Qalailabiob.

It has an elevation of 351 meters.


  1. ^ Tojikobod region, tojkiston.ucoz.ru
  2. ^ Jamoat Qal'ai labi ob, tojkiston.ucoz.ru
  3. ^ Jensen, Ingrid Støver. “Tojikobod.” Yr, Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, 2023, https://www.yr.no/en/forecast/daily-table/2-1475265/Tajikistan/Khatlon/Tojikobod .