  • 21 Aug, 2019

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United States Reports, Volume 2

This is a list of cases reported in volume 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) of United States Reports, decided by the Supreme Court of the United States from 1791 to 1793. Case reports from other federal and state tribunals also appear in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.).

Alexander Dallas and Dallas Reports

Not all of the cases reported in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) are from the United States Supreme Court. The volume includes decisions from various Pennsylvania appellate and trial courts, and from several federal courts. Alexander J. Dallas, a Philadelphia lawyer and later United States Secretary of the Treasury, had been in the business of reporting local law cases for newspapers and periodicals. When the U.S. Supreme Court sat in Philadelphia from 1791 to 1800, he collected their cases as well, and later began compiling his case reports in a bound volume which he called Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the courts of Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution.

When the U.S. Supreme Court along with the rest of the new federal government moved in 1791 from the former capital of New York City to the nation's temporary capital in Philadelphia, Dallas was appointed the Supreme Court's first unofficial and unpaid Supreme Court Reporter. (Court reporters in that age received no salary, but were expected to profit from the publication and sale of their compiled decisions.) Dallas continued to collect and publish Pennsylvania and other decisions. When the U.S. Supreme Court began to hear cases and file opinions, he added U.S. Supreme Court cases to the second volume of his reports. As Lawrence M. Friedman has explained: "In this volume, quietly and unobtrusively, began that magnificent series of reports, extending in an unbroken line to the present, that chronicles the work of the world's most powerful court." Dallas published four volumes of decisions during his tenure as Reporter, known as the Dallas Reports.

The Supreme Court moved to the new capital city of Washington, D.C. in 1800. Dallas remained in Philadelphia; William Cranch then replaced him as Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Nominative Reports

In 1874, the U.S. government created the United States Reports, and retroactively numbered older privately published case reports as part of the new series. As a result, cases appearing in volumes 1–90 of U.S. Reports have dual citation forms; one for the volume number of U.S. Reports, and one for the volume number of the reports named for the relevant reporter of decisions (these are called "nominative reports"). As such, volumes 1–4 of United States Reports correspond to volumes 1–4 of Dallas Reports. The dual citation form of, for example, Oswald v. New York is 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 401 (1791).

Courts in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.)

The cases reported in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) come from the Pennsylvania High Court of Errors and Appeals (Pa. Ct. Err. & App.) (which from its creation in 1780 to its dissolution in 1808 was the court of last resort in the Pennsylvania judiciary); Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (Pa.); Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl.); Supreme Court of the United States; United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture); United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania (C.C.D. Pa.). (To avoid confusion, the Court of Errors and Appeals will be cited as "Pa. Ct. Err. & App." rather than as "Pa.", although the latter abbreviation should be used, according to Bluebook rules, for the highest court in Pennsylvania at a particular time. Rather, "Pa." will consistently be used to indicate the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.)

Justices of the Supreme Court at the time of 2 U.S. (2 Dall.)

The Supreme Court is established by Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States, which says: "The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court . . .". The size of the Court is not specified; the Constitution leaves it to Congress to set the number of justices. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789 Congress originally fixed the number of justices at six (one chief justice and five associate justices). Since 1789 Congress has varied the size of the Court from six to seven, nine, ten, and back to nine justices (always including one chief justice).

When the cases in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) were decided, the Court comprised these six justices:

Portrait Justice Office Home State Succeeded Date confirmed by the Senate
Tenure on Supreme Court
John Jay Chief Justice New York original seat when the Court was established September 26, 1789
October 19, 1789

June 29, 1795
William Cushing Associate Justice Massachusetts original seat when the Court was established September 26, 1789
February 2, 1790

September 13, 1810
James Wilson Associate Justice Pennsylvania original seat when the Court was established September 26, 1789
October 5, 1789

August 21, 1798
John Blair Associate Justice Virginia original seat when the Court was established September 26, 1789
February 2, 1790

October 25, 1795
James Iredell Associate Justice North Carolina original seat when the Court was established February 10, 1790
May 12, 1790

October 20, 1799
Thomas Johnson Associate Justice Maryland John Rutledge November 7, 1791
August 6, 1792

January 16, 1793

Notable Case in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.)

West v. Barnes

West v. Barnes, 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 401 (1791), is the first United States Supreme Court decision and the earliest case calling for oral argument. Van Staphorst v. Maryland (1791) was docketed prior to West v. Barnes but settled before the Court heard the case: West was argued on August 2, 1791 and decided on August 3, 1791. Collet v. Collet (1792) was the first appellate case docketed with the Court but was dropped before it could be heard. Supreme Court Reporter Alexander Dallas did not publish the justices' full opinions in West v. Barnes, which were published in various newspapers around the country at the time, but he published an abbreviated summary of the decisions.

The Court ultimately decided West on procedural grounds, holding that a writ of error (a kind of appeal) must be issued within ten days by the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States as required by federal statute, and not by a lower court located closer to the plaintiff in Rhode Island. As a result of this case, Congress ultimately changed this procedure with the ninth section of the Process and Compensation Act of 1792, allowing circuit courts to issue these writs, thereby assisting citizens living far away from the capital.

Chisholm v. Georgia

Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 419 (1793), is considered the first United States Supreme Court case of significance and impact. Given its early date, there was little available legal precedent (particularly in U.S. law). The Court's holding in the case was superseded in 1795 by the 11th Amendment. Under the 11th Amendment, citizens of one state or of foreign countries can only sue a state with the state's consent or if Congress, pursuant to a valid exercise of 14th Amendment remedial powers, abrogates the states' immunity from suit.

Citation style

Under the Judiciary Act of 1789 the federal court structure at the time comprised District Courts, which had general trial jurisdiction; Circuit Courts, which had mixed trial and appellate (from the US District Courts) jurisdiction; and the United States Supreme Court, which had appellate jurisdiction over the federal District and Circuit courts—and for certain issues over state courts. The Supreme Court also had limited original jurisdiction (i.e., in which cases could be filed directly with the Supreme Court without first having been heard by a lower federal or state court). There were one or more federal District Courts and/or Circuit Courts in each state, territory, or other geographical region.

Bluebook citation style is used for case names, citations, and jurisdictions.

List of cases in 2 U.S. (2 Dall.)

Cases of the Supreme Court of the United States

Case Name Page & year Opinion of the Court Concurring opinion(s) Dissenting opinion(s) Lower court Disposition
West v. Barnes 401 (1791) per curiam in Dallas (but seriatim opinions by Iredell, Blair, Wilson, Cushing, Jay opinions were widely reported in period newspapers) none none C.C.D.R.I. removal denied
Van Staphorst v. Maryland 401 (1791) per curiam none none original motion granted
Oswald v. New York I 401 (1791) per curiam none none not indicated motion for distraint withdrawn
Oswald v. New York II 402 (1791) per curiam none none original rule granted
Georgia v. Brailsford I 402 (1792) seriatim: Johnson, Iredell, Blair, Wilson, Cushing, Jay none none C.C.D. Ga. injunction granted
Hayburn's Case 409 (1792) per curiam none none C.C.D. Pa. mandamus denied
Oswald v. New York III 415 (1792) per curiam none none original New York ordered to appear
Georgia v. Brailsford II 415 (1793) seriatim: Iredell, Blair, Jay none none original continued
Chisholm v. Georgia 419 (1793) seriatim: Iredell, Blair, Wilson, Cushing, Jay none none original Georgia ordered to appear

Cases of other tribunals

Note on Respublica: A number of cases listed below include the title Respublica. Res publica is a Latin form of the term "Commonwealth," meaning in this context the "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." Pennsylvania is one of four states (along with Massachusetts, Virginia, and Kentucky) to refer to itself as a "Commonwealth." It is interchangeable with "State." In the early 19th Century the English term Commonwealth replaced Respublica in new Pennsylvania case names.

Case Page and year Court
The Ship Resolution I 1 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1781) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
The Ship Resolution II 19 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1781) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
The Brig Erstern 34 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1782) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
The Brig Gloucester 36 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1782) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
Stoddard v. Read 40 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1783) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
Bain v. Speedwell 40 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1784) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
The Sloop Chester v. The Brig Experiment 41 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1787) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
Lake v. Hulbert 41 (Ct. App. in Cases of Capture 1787) United States Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture
Boinod v. Pelosi 43 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1788) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Bowen v. Douglass 44 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Inglis ex rel. Reede v. Inglis's Executors 45 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Innis v. Miller 50 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Rapalje v. Emory 51 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
M'Clenachan v. M'Carty 51 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Cowperthwaite v. Jones 55 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Rue v. Mitchell 58 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Price v. Ralston 60 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Woglam v. Cowperthwaite 68 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Powell v. Biddle 70 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Lawrence v. Doublebower 73 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
M'Coombe v. Dunch 73 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Brailey v. Miller 74 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Howell v. Woolfort 75 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Sharpe v. Thatcher 77 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Bank of North America v. Vardon 78 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
In re Galberaith 78 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Myers v. Young 79 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Miltenberger v. Lloyd 79 (Pa. Ct. Com. Pl. 1790) Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas
Stackhouse's Lessee v. Stackhouse 80 (Pa. 1766) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Master's Lessee v. Shute 81 (Pa. 1766) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Taxier v. Sweet 81 (Pa. 1766) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. M'Carty 86 (Pa. 1781) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Weidle 88 (Pa. 1781) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Boyd v. Bopst 91 (Pa. 1785) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Wycoff v. Longhead 92 (Pa. 1785) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Steele 92 (Pa. 1785) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Andrew's Lessee v. Fleming 93 (Pa. 1786) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Pennington v. Scott 94 (Pa. 1786) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Galbraith's Lessee v. Scott 95 (Pa. 1786) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Cecil's Lessee v. Lebenstone 95 (Pa. 1786) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Lesher's Lessee v. Levan 96 (Pa. 1786) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Cockshot's Lessee v. Hopkins 97 (Pa. 1787) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Pringle v. Black's Executors 97 (Pa. 1787) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
McCurdy v. Potts 98 (Pa. 1788) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Watts v. Willing 100 (Pa. 1788) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
M'Kimm v. Riddle 100 (Pa. 1789) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Donaldson v. Chambers 100 (Pa. 1789) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Mitchell 101 (Pa. 1789) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. St. Clair 101 (Pa. 1789) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Hoare v. Allen 102 (Pa. 1789) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Todd v. Thompson 105 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Matlack 108 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Coates 109 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Borger v. Searle 110 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Vasse v. Spicer 111 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ex parte Holker 111 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Griffiths 112 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Walker v. Wallace 113 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ferguson v. Baron 113 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Vansciver v. Bolton 114 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Coventry Township v. Cummings 114 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Tarin v. Morris 115 (Pa. 1790) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Douglass's Lessee v. Sanderson 116 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Lacaze 118 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Roberts 124 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Leech v. Armitage 125 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Joy's Lessee v. Cossart 126 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Scott v. Crosdale 127 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Thompson v. Thompson 128 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Sweeny's Lessee v. Toner 129 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Nichols v. Postlethwaite 131 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Frey v. Leeper 131 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ricup v. Bixter 132 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Foxcrait v. Nagle 132 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Bond v. Haas's Executors 133 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ingraham v. Gibbs 134 (Pa. 1791) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Hood's Executors v. Nesbit 137 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Caton v. M'Carty 141 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Mercier v. Mercier 142 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Jackson v. Vanderspreigle's Executor 142 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Same Cause 143 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Jones v. Ross 143 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Nesbit v. Pope 143 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Gorgerat v. M'Carty 144 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Clayton's Lessee v. Alshouse 150 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Foxcraft v. Nagle 150 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Barr v. Craig 151 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Wenn v. Adams 156 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Duffield v. Stille 156 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Austin v. Snow's Lessee 157 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Stewart v. Ross 157 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Stewart v. Biddack 158 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Bank of North America v. M'Knight 158 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ralston v. Bell 158 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ross v. Rittenhouse 160 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Marshall v. Montgomery 170 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Field ex rel. Oxley v. Biddle 171 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
M'Minn v. Owen 173 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Henderson v. Clarkson 174 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Haldane v. Duche's Executor 176 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Shaw v. Wallace 179 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Lynn v. Risberg 180 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Wood v. Roach 180 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Knight v. Reese 182 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Jones v. Little 182 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Bloomfield v. Budden 183 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
White v. Lynch 183 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Scott v. M'Kisson 183 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Fury v. Stone 184 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Johns v. Nichols 184 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Rapp v. Elliot 184 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Morris's Executors v. M'Connaughy 189 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Askew 189 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Walker's Appeal 190 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Sheredine v. Gaul 190 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Grubb's Executors v. Grubb's Executors 191 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Vaughan v. Blanchard 192 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Mallory v. Kirwan 192 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Knox v. Jones 193 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Stille v. Lynch 194 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Cupisino v. Perez 194 (Pa. 1792) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Pleasants v. Pemberton 196 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Boyce v. Moore 196 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Keppele 197 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Barnes's Lessee v. Irwin 199 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Fitzalden v. Lee 205 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Duncan v. Walker 205 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Roach v. Pennsylvania 206 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Walker v. Gibbs 211 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Shoemaker v. Keely 213 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Upper Dublin Township v. Borough of Germantown 213 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Stansbury v. Marks 213 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Fox's Lessee v. Palmer 214 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Fitzgerald v. Caldwell 215 (Pa. 1793) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ward v. Hallam 217 (Pa. 1794) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Vance v. Fairis 217 (Pa. 1794) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Fuller v. M'Call 219 (Pa. 1794) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ingraham v. Gibbs 219 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Lloyd's Lessee v. Taylor 223 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Humphrey's Lessee v. Humphries 223 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Joyce v. Sims 223 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Richards 224 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Guardians 224 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Honeyman 228 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Burrall v. Du Blois 229 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Penn's Lessee v. Hartman 230 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Rapelje v. Emery 231 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Warder v. Carson's Executors 233 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Caignet v. Pettit 234 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Villeneuve v. Barrion 235 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Haddens v. Chambers 236 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
De Willer v. Smith 236 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Kachlin v. Mulhallon 237 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Miller v. Leonard 237 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Ross 239 (Pa. 1795) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ralston v. Bell 242 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ruston's Executors v. Ruston 243 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Nicholson's Lessee v. Mifflin 246 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Waters v. Collot 247 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Barriere v. Nairac 249 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Perit v. Wallis 252 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Hartshorne's Lessee v. Patton 252 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Respublica v. Nicholson 256 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Coates's Lessee v. Hamilton 256 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Harris v. Mandeville 256 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Beach v. Lee 257 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Walker v. Dilworth 257 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Roberts v. Cay's Executors 260 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Stiles v. Donaldson 264 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Zantzinger v. Old 265 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Boudinot v. Bradford 266 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
German v. Wainwright 266 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Greene's Case 268 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Ewing v. M'Nair 269 (Pa. 1796) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Vasse v. Ball 270 (Pa. 1797) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Young v. Willing 276 (Pa. 1797) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
M'Carty v. Emlen 277 (Pa. 1797) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Camberling v. M'Call 280 (Pa. 1797) Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Lawson v. Morrison 286 (Pa. Ct. Err. and App. 1792) Pennsylvania High Court of Errors and Appeals
Hannum v. Spear 291 (Pa. Ct. Err. and App. 1795) Pennsylvania High Court of Errors and Appeals
Collet v. Collet 294 (C.C.D. Pa. 1792) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Ravara 297 (C.C.D. Pa. 1793) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Livingston v. Swanwick 300 (C.C.D. Pa. 1793) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Armstrong v. Carson's Executors 302 (C.C.D. Pa. 1794) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Brudenell v. Vaux 302 (C.C.D. Pa. 1794) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Vanhorne's Lessee v. Dorrance 304 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Guinet 321 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Parasset v. Gautier 330 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Geyger's Lessee v. Geyger 332 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Caldwell 333 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Insurgents of Pennsylvania 335 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Montgomery 335 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Stewart 343 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Porter 345 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Vigol 346 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Mitchell I 348 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Mitchell II 357 (C.C.D. Pa. 1795) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Hulsecamp v. Teel 358 (C.C.D. Pa. 1796) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Schermehorn v. l'Espenasse 360 (C.C.D. Pa. 1796) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Wharton's Executors v. Lowrey 364 (C.C.D. Pa. 1796) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
The Cassius 365 (C.C.D. Pa. 1796) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Villato 370 (C.C.D. Pa. 1797) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Parker 373 (C.C.D. Pa. 1797) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Hancock v. Hillegas 380 (C.C.D. Pa. 1797) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Maxwell's Lessee v. Levy 381 (C.C.D. Pa. 1797) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Anonymous 382 (C.C.D. Pa. 1797) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Symes's Lessee v. Irvine 383 (C.C.D. Pa. 1797) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
United States v. Worrall 384 (C.C.D. Pa. 1798) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Wilkinson v. Nicklin 396 (C.C.D. Pa. 1798) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania
Hollingsworth v. Adams 396 (C.C.D. Pa. 1798) United States Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania

Notes and references

  1. ^ Anne Ashmore, DATES OF SUPREME COURT DECISIONS AND ARGUMENTS, Library, Supreme Court of the United States, 26 December 2018.
  2. ^ Cohen, Morris and O'Connor, Sharon H. A Guide to the Early Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, Littleton, Colorado: Fred B. Rothman & Co, 1995.
  3. ^ Friedman, Lawrence M. (2019). A History of American Law (4th ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster. pp. 308–310. ISBN 978-0-19-007091-5. Retrieved November 7, 2020.
  4. ^ "Supreme Court Research Guide". Georgetown Law Library. Retrieved April 7, 2021.
  5. ^ Timothy W. Larson, "West v. Barnes: The First Supreme Court Decision", Rhode Island Bar Association Journal, July/Aug 2010, pg. 13-15 (59-AUG RIBJ 13)
  6. ^ James R. Perry, The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789–1800, Volume 6, "West v. Barnes," pp. 3-27. [1]
  7. ^ Barnett, Randy E. The People or the State?: Chisholm v. Georgia and Popular Sovereignty. 93 Virginia Law Review 1729 (2007)

See also