Uplift Community High School
Uplift Community High School is rated a 1 out of 10 by GreatSchools.org, a national school quality information site. GreatSchools’ Summary Rating is based on four of the school’s themed ratings: the Test Score Rating, Student or Academic Progress Rating, College Readiness Rating, and Equity Rating and flags for discipline and attendance disparities at a school.
Uplift competes in the Chicago Public League (CPL) and is a member of the Illinois High School Association (IHSA). Uplift sports teams are nicknamed the Titans. The boys' basketball team were regional champions two times, (2008–09, 2010–11); and won the IHSA 2–A state title in 2014–15 behind the schools stars Jeremey Roscoe and Daniel Soetan and a Northside Prep transfer Spencer Foley while Junior Varsity sensation Demarius Jacobs enjoyed some playing time as well
- ^ "Search for Public Schools - School Detail for Uplift Community High School". National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved October 18, 2021.
- ^ "Best High Schools in Chicago, IL | GreatSchools". GreatSchools.org. Retrieved July 25, 2024.
- ^ Bob Narang, "Boys basketball: Uplift wins Class 2A state championship", Chicago Tribune, March 14, 2015.
- ^ IHSA: Chicago (Uplift)