  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Interested in European colonial empires . Student of Spanish History.

Absent for 1 week.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always
so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
 -Bertrand Russell

Books I'm currently reading

  • "The Conquest of the Incas" by John Hemming, this book is perhaps the best and most detailed book for anyone doing academic research on the Incas, their empire and their conquest by the Spaniards or ... just for pleasure.
  • "Spain, a history", edited by Sir Raymond Carr, extremely interesting book on the history of Spain, from Prehistoric to Modern times.
  • "A history of Spain" by Simon Barton, this book is a must-have, very entertaining and detailed book about Spain and its history.
  • "Confrontation at Lepanto, Christendom vs. Islam" by T. C. F. Hopkins, very interesting book on how the tension around Lepanto was built and what was the aftermath of the battle for both winners and losers.
  • "The Last Days of the Incas" by Kim MacQuarrie, this is the most entertaining book I'm reading right now, its built up around the Incas last years as the dominant power in South America, for anybody interested in Pre-columbian history, this book is definitely what you are looking for!

1st person: "The French navy is the largest in Europe, and is larger than the RN (and France is part of NATO) so please remove this sentence. Britain had a very powerfull navy during the 18th and 19th but now it's FINISH."

2nd person :"But the French have always been rubbish, so don't really count."

  • lol what kind of arguement is this (from 2nd person)? haha

From the English Armada of 1625 :

"When Cecil landed his forces in Cadiz, they realised that they had no food or drink with them. Cecil then made the foolish decision to allow the men to drink from the wine vats found in the local houses. A wave of drunkenness ensued, with little or none of Cecil's force remaining sober. Realizing what he had done, Cecil took the only course left open to him, and ordered that the men return to their ships and retreat. When the Spanish army arrived, they found over 1,000 English soldiers still in a drunken state: despite the fact that every man was armed, not a single shot was fired as the Spanish put them all to the sword."
  • lol. The english love to drink! too bad there were spaniards around! LOL

From two anon users :

"I changed a little word-usage error, "nearly unique." There are no degrees of unique. It either is or it isn't."

":Nearly unique means rare, duh."

  • LOL this is funny in a weird way
This user is a WikiDragon.
...one of the last of a dying breed...

Favorite paintings

By Alonso Sánchez Coello, the most powerful Monarch of his time, Felipe II de España
Tiepolo's The Glory of Spain
Giovan Battista Tiepolo, Neptune offers the wealth of the sea to Venice, 1748–50. This painting is an allegory of the power of the Republic of Venice, as the wealth and power of the Serenissima was based on the control of the sea.
Humanity's try to reach heaven by Pieter Bruegel
By Pieter Bruegel