  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Thanks for visiting; If you have any comments regarding any of my posts, feel free to place them in my talk page in the english Wikipedia.
Gracias por visitar; Si ud. tiene alguna sugerencia relacionada con mis posts, por favor déjela en mi pagina de discusión en la Wiki en inglés.
Obrigado pela visita, se você tem algum comentário sobre qualquer um dos meus posts, não hesite em colocá-los em minha página de discussão na Wiki em Inglês.
Merci d'être passé; Si vous avez des commentaires concernant un de mes posts, n'hésitez pas à les placer dans ma page de discussion dans la Wikipedia anglaise.

Quick About me

Born in Colombia, lived in a few countries in Latin America until finally settled in US (NYC) about 12 years ago. Some of my interests include IT, software and science and technology, Colombia in general and its military in particular, along with the Colombian conflict; I also poke around RPG and Strategy games, some fantasy and science fiction reading.

Have worked in other wikis, but still relatively new to 'the big one'.. hopefully will be able to help improve the quality of some articles related to Colombia, particularly in their english and spanish versions and to some minor degree, their portuguese and french equivalents.


To DOs

  • Research possible solution for hierarchical log if article section is transcluded from a main namespace for CC-BY-SA ?
  • Research possible solution for Book collection when an articule includes a transcluded article section from main namespace?