  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


I'm back! I think. Had a multitude of real-life things to sort out, but now I'm motivated to return to Wiki-world. Maybe I'll become more active again, who knows :)

Hello fellow Wikipedian or random internet user!

I am delighted to meet you on my userpage here, although in fact I may be absent at the moment of your arrival. Please be patient, I'll be with you shortly! Have some tea or coffee while you wait, and leave me a note on my talkpage.

This page will probably be filled with more info later, but for now I'll include a short (chronological) list of articles I've created, to keep track of them.

And while I try my best to properly source and edit, as a newbie, non-native speaker and plain old human I am prone to occasionally making mistakes. Feel free to correct them, and please do tell me in case it was something I should do differently in the future. I'd like to learn :)

And here's a tip on how to improve your (or my) writing on Wikipedia:

Another styletip ...


  • Don't link dates or date-fragments unless there's a very good reason to do so (however, date- and year-themed articles themselves, such as January 3 and 1981, are an exception to this).
  • Avoid numerical date formats such as "03/04/2005" (this could refer to 3 April or March 4—who knows?).

Add this to your user page by typing in {{Styletips}}

Articles I created

Primary Sandbox: User:LordPeterII/sandbox

Secondary Sandbox: User:LordPeterII/sandbox2

Tertiary Sandbox: User:LordPeterII/sandbox3

Quaternary Sandbox: User:LordPeterII/sandbox4

IMPRO Sandbox (intended to test potential improvement of existing articles): User:LordPeterII/sandboxIMPRO

(I know, I know, a lot of drafts. But will finish them eventually.)



Trying to use Drafts instead

For anything I'm planning to finish more short-term is gonna get moved to an article draft:

Restored Drafts

DYK Stuff

Easy way to submit an article:

Unused reviews still available for QPQ (only completed ones listed):


Helpful ideas:

Check here if you want to hijack other's work to promote to DYK

Rimworld: User:LordPeterII/Userboxes/RimWorldAlt

Ellipsoidal Flat Hollow D20 Earth: User:LordPeterII/Userboxes/DiceWorld

Technical stuff I always forget how to do

Useful Essays and Other Wikipedia Stuff

Find sources here

Wikimedia Meta

Dunno what to think of this, give feedback at some point: https://www.mediawiki.org/key/Special:MyLanguage/Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements

AfD Stats

My AfD stats, since I forget how to find them and am interested in how good my judgement is: https://afdstats.toolforge.org/afdstats.py?name=LordPeterII&max=500&startdate=&enddate=&altname=&nomsonly=false

Funny stuff I've come across here

A discussion on cake recipes on the Teahouse

Note on account

This ("LordPeterII") is my primary account; I have no affiliation with similar usernames such as "LordPeter" or "LordPeterWimsey". The Roman numeral is used to distinguish from these, a practice I commonly use online since the regular LordPeter name is usually already taken.

I made a secondary account at LordPeter2go, which uses a different email and is used by me whenever I edit from my phone or otherwise on-the-go.

Testing my Signature

This is how it currently looks: LordPickleII (talk) 16:23, 3 September 2022 (UTC)

Changed it back a bit, for now: –LordPeterII (talk) 15:37, 9 September 2022 (UTC)


  1. ^ If this place is all out of tea, try asking over at the Teahouse.