Out of the 6,930,342 articles on Wikipedia, 40,682 are categorized as good articles (about 0.59% or one in 170), which are listed below. An additional 6,641 are listed as featured articles (about 1 in 1,050) and 4,533 as featured lists (about 1 in 1,530). Because articles are only included in one category, a good article that has been promoted to featured status is removed from the good articles category. Adding good and featured articles and lists together gives a total of 51,856 articles (about 0.75% or one in 134). It is indicated by a small green icon of a plus sign inside a circle () in the top-right corner of the article.
Any significant contributor to an article may nominate it if they believe it meets the good article criteria. Any impartial editor may review it from the queue of good article nominations. If it meets the criteria, it is added to the list of good articles below. There are instructions for nominators and reviewers. Similarly, anyone who believes that an article no longer meets the good article criteria may propose to delist it by following the instructions for reassessment.
More good content is available at Wikipedia:Good topics.
Good article tools:
- Good articles
- Good article nominations
- Good article reassessment
- Good article criteria
- Good article instructions
- Good article frequently asked questions
- Good article report
- Good article review circles
- Good article statistics
- Good article mentorship
- Good article mismatches
- Delisted good articles
- Wikipedians by good article nominations
Project page
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