  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Wikipedia:Unusual Ways To Get Your Article On Wikipedia

People are always trying to get articles about themselves on Wikipedia. Usually, though, when people try to create articles about themselves, those articles are deleted almost immediately, since the person in question obviously does not meet Wikipedia's standards of encyclopedic notability. Here is a list of unusual ideas some Wikipedia editors came up with for how you could potentially acquire significant enough coverage in secondary sources to make yourself encyclopedically notable enough to warrant an article about yourself on Wikipedia:

  1. Climb the Reichstag (Spiderman costume optional)
  2. Invade Poland.
  3. Invade Poland from the other side.
  4. Declare yourself emperor of the United States.
  5. Read the entire fifteenth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica from beginning to end and write a book about it.
  6. Found a Happyology Church.
  7. Re-establish the Soviet Union.
  8. Trick the foremost doctors in your region into thinking you have given birth to rabbits.
  9. Arrest a French Wikipedia admin and force them to create an article about you.
  10. Attempt to vanish.
  11. Attempt to be forgotten.
  12. Attempt to purge the English language of all vocabulary of non-Germanic derivation.
  13. Attempt to sue a rapper for lifting your twenty-year-old tracker file.
  14. Attempt to sue Satan.
  15. Follow news teams around trying to be particularly rhythmic and hope Songify the News is watching.
  16. Make an ass of yourself on YouTube repeatedly.
  17. Get yourself banned in China, Iran, and the UK.
  18. Succeed in being the only person to not make an ass of themselves on YouTube.
  19. Become an immortal god.
  20. Make a campaign promise and keep it.
  21. Jump into a volcano to prove you are an immortal god.
  22. Write yet another book to "prove" there could not have been a single gunman.
  23. Cause a major controversy on Wikipedia itself.
  24. Catch a rare disease.
  25. Be nominated for an Ig Nobel Prize.
  26. Be nominated for a Darwin Award.
  27. Be wanted in forty-eight states.
  28. Become a Heroic Failure.
  29. Create a law and make the penalty death. Then break your own law and commit suicide to uphold it.
  30. Get someone to create an article and then sue the Wikimedia Foundation over how it shouldn't be there.
  31. Become the first person to die whilst logged into social media.
  32. Burn the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus just so you'll be remembered.
  33. Undertake a practical joke that leads to questions being asked in your respective national parliament.
  34. Remain "Anonymous".
  35. Paint with a body part nobody expected.
  36. Create "art" from shit you found at home.
  37. Create your own website solely devoted to attacking Wikipedia.
  38. Become a successful evil overlord using the plan outlined in the Evil Overlord List.
  39. Nominate the deletion debate on the deletion debate on the deletion debate on the deletion debate on... your troll group for deletion.
  40. Lead a campaign for your region's secession.
  41. Lead a campaign to prevent secession, even if nobody is trying to secede.
  42. Find the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
  43. Go postal.
  44. Launch a SLAPP (in Trenton, New Jersey).
  45. Get Justice Thomas to say something in oral arguments.
  46. Find a cure for cancer and get it published in reliable sources.
  47. Recursion: See: 47
  48. Write the definitive guide to identifying weather balloons.
  49. Create a killer joke.
  50. Start rapping 6/7ths of the way through a beat.
  51. Become the key witness in a major Federal trial.
  52. Become an admin, put false information on your user page, let slip a few hints that it's false, wait for the media to cover it.
  53. Make a successful career in underwater basket weaving and then donate all your proceeds to make it a real major.
  54. Get your cat elected mayor of your hometown.
  55. Discover and end a centuries old war still technically going on.
  56. Get a bunch of Sherpas killed on Everest, but make sure your chihuahua makes it back safe.
  57. Create a new variant on baked beans.
  58. Rediscover the process of rediscovery.
  59. Literally re-invent the wheel.
  60. ... and then get a patent.[1]
  61. Prove using financial theory that what goes up must come down rapidly...
  62. Make a cup of tea for every person in Belgium.
  63. Create a cover version of a Beatles track and get it to go viral.
  64. Write your own longer version of the Iliad by inserting one line of dactylic pentameter after every two lines of the original hexameter.
  65. Write Unreal for NES.
  66. Have a US Route named after you, your company, or your band.
  67. Launch something into space just because you can.
  68. Steal the Mona Lisa.
  69. Steal a small country.
  70. Steal first base, and then get a home run on your first try against a MLB guest team.
  71. Determine the precise chemical formulae and production process for Baghdad steel.
  72. Reform RfA on Wikipedia.
  73. Attempt to arrest Tony Blair for war crimes.
  74. Use your lottery winnings to buy more lottery tickets.
  75. Decipher the Voynich manuscript.
  76. Become the first gay President, Prime Minister, or Head of Government of your country.
  77. Take the Tea Party down from the inside.
  78. Produce the first net gain fusion reactor.
  79. Develop a spell checker that can detect British sarcasm.
  80. Cure British sarcasm.
  81. Cure being British.
  82. Coach the Scotland national football team to a World Cup win.
  83. Be the second Scot to win Wimbledon.
  84. Lead Scotland to freeeeeedomm!
  85. Enact the law that legalizes weed in your province, state, or region.
  86. Find Jimmy Hoffa's remains.
  87. Take the first human image of the Lacus at ground level.
  88. Build a robot and get Saudi Arabia to grant it legal citizenship.
  89. Find a cure for the common cold...
  90. ...then give it away under an open-access model.
  91. Present a complete translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls in at least six major languages to the Smithsonian or Bodleian
  92. Present a copy/translation of the Necronomicon to the same.
  93. Successfully forge a document of similar note.
  94. Uncover the true Monarch of England.
  95. Create clickbait for a living.
  96. Become the first psychohistorian.
  97. Lobby the International Astronomical Union to name the first inhabitable extra-solar planet Trantor.
  98. Fund the first manned space mission funded by Kickstarter.
  99. Create a usable UI for GNU/Linux.
  100. Create a new programming language based on Esperanto.
  101. Prove P = NP for all cases.
  102. Legally redefine pi as exactly three.
  103. Predict the end of the world. (Preferably by planetary collision, but, really, any way will work.)
  104. Start a band that only uses vegetables for instruments.
  105. Tell everyone you have a magic golden thigh.
  106. Die and get Jesus to resurrect you from the dead.
  107. Kill Jesus and resurrect him from the dead.
  108. Tell people you are Jesus.
  109. Become a porn star.
  110. Write the worst fan fiction ever.
  111. Create a video game with amazing Engrish.
  112. Be part of a hazing ritual involving intimate contact with another species.
  113. Get everyone to ignore the Coffin Handbills and vote Andrew Jackson for president.
  114. Be sufficiently recognized in your field of expertise (however obscure) that an entire species is named after you.
  115. Conduct a self-administered "eye-test" in Barnard Castle during a nominal lockdown.
  116. Simulate life on Mars.
  117. Pretend to be the ambassador of India in your country, convince local authorities you are, and get a comedy movie made about it.
  118. Create over 200 hoaxes on Russian medieval history in Wikipedia for fun.
  119. Promote this list to "Featured List" status.
  120. Create Wikipedia.
  121. Create a better Wikipedia, then claim you made it before this Wikipedia and sue Wikipedia into uploading your article
  122. Get your article published as a humorous article so it doesn't need 99 sources.
  123. Making a list like this, and I bet there needs to be references in order for this to be valid. Right?

DISCLAIMER: Some of the ideas on this list may be illegal in your jurisdiction. The ideas on this list are only ideas; they are not suggestions. The Wikimedia Foundation and the editors involved in the creation of this list are not in any way morally or legally responsible for any bodily harm, damage of property, imprisonment, or any other negative outcomes that may result from following through with any of the ideas on this list. This is a list of ideas; this list makes no guarantees or certifications. Readers who make use of the ideas on this list may not necessarily receive an article on Wikipedia. Please contact your doctor if you experience an erection lasting more than four hours.

See also