Wildmoos (Telfs)
Wildmoos lies 20 kilometres (12 mi) beyond Innsbruck on the Seefeld Plateau above the Inn, at around 1260 1,320 m (AA), near Seefeld.
The area encompasses just under 30 scattered houses; today most of the land is covered by the Seefeld-Wildmoos Golf Course and the alpine meadow of Wildmoosalm.
The Wildmoos area is a large aquatic ecotope of about 55 hectares (140 acres) with two rarely appearing aperiodic lakes, the Lottensee and the Wildmoossee, with a further 13-hectare (32-acre) bog and wetland area on the Wildalm. The two areas are separated by forest. They are both karst phenomena.
Seefeld-Wildmoos Golf Course
The region has been developed today into an 18-hole golf course. The golf club is a member of the Leading Golf Courses Austria and has close links to the nearby 5-star hotel, the Interalpen Tyrol.
- ^ Biotopinventar Tirol: FSON Wildmoos, Lottenseegeb. Wildmoosgeb., 538,579.54 m²
- ^ Naturphänomen Wildmoossee und Lottensee - Tirol, tirol.at
- ^ FMOOR Wildmoosalm 70.721,04 m², FSON Gebiet um Wildmoosalm - Koellental 63.321,02 m²