  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

William Gibson Bibliography

The works of William Gibson encompass literature, journalism, acting, recitation, and performance art. Primarily renowned as a novelist and short fiction writer in the cyberpunk milieu, Gibson invented the metaphor of cyberspace in "Burning Chrome" (1982) and emerged from obscurity in 1984 with the publication of his debut novel Neuromancer. Gibson's early short fiction is recognized as cyberpunk's finest work, effectively renovating the science fiction genre which had been hitherto considered widely insignificant.

At the turn of the 1990s, after the completion of his Sprawl trilogy of novels, Gibson contributed the text to a number of performance art pieces and exhibitions, as well as writing lyrics for musicians Yellow Magic Orchestra and Debbie Harry. He wrote the critically acclaimed artist's book Agrippa (a book of the dead) in 1992 before co-authoring The Difference Engine, an alternate history novel that would become a central work of the steampunk genre. He then spent an unfruitful period as a Hollywood screenwriter, with few of his projects seeing the light of day and those that did being critically unsuccessful.

Although he had largely abandoned short fiction by the mid-1990s, Gibson returned to writing novels, completing his second trilogy, the Bridge trilogy at the close of the millennium. After writing two episodes of the television series The X-Files around this time, Gibson was featured as the subject of a documentary film, No Maps for These Territories, in 2000. Gibson has been invited to address the National Academy of Sciences (1993) and the Directors Guild of America (2003) and has had a plethora of articles published in outlets such as Wired, Rolling Stone and The New York Times. His third trilogy of novels, Pattern Recognition (2003), Spook Country (2007) and Zero History (2010) have put Gibson's work onto mainstream bestseller lists for the first time.


Gibson discussing Spook Country (2007) on August 8, 2007, while touring in support of the novel.

Short fiction



The San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge, a fictional squatted version of which formed the setting for Gibson's short story "Skinner's Room" (1990). He would later revisit the setting in his Bridge trilogy of novels.
  • "Tokyo Collage" in SF Eye, August 1988.
  • "Tokyo Suite" in Penthouse (Japanese edition) 1988/5-7. Early version of “Tokyo Collage”, translated by Hisashi Kuroma.
  • "The Smoke" in Mississippi Review 47/48, 1988.
  • "Hippy Hat Brain Parasite" in Shiner, Lewis, Modern Stories No. 1, April 1983. Republished in Rucker, Rudy (1989). Semiotext[[E]] Sf. Brooklyn: Autonomedia. pp. 109–122. ISBN 978-0-936756-43-1.
  • "The Nazi Lawn Dwarf Murders" (unpublished)
  • "Doing Television" in Dorsey, Candas Jane (1990). Tesseracts 3. Victoria: Porcépic. pp. 392–394. ISBN 978-0-88878-290-8. OCLC 24504625.
  • "Darwin" (a slightly longer version of "Doing Television") in The Face, March 1990, and Spin, April 1990, 21–23.
  • "Skinner's Room" in Polledri, Paolo (1990). Visionary San Francisco. Munich: Prestal. pp. 153–65. ISBN 978-3-7913-1060-2. Republished in McCaffery, Larry (1995). After Yesterday's Crash. New York: Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-024085-6.
  • "Academy Leader" in Benedikt, Michael (1991). Cyberspace. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 27–29. ISBN 978-0-262-52177-2.
  • "Cyber-Claus" in The Washington Post Book World, 1991-12-01. Republished in Hartwell, David (1992). Christmas Stars. New York: Tor Books. ISBN 978-0-8125-2286-0.
  • "Where the Holograms Go" in Trilling, Roger (1993). Wild Palms Reader. St Martins Pr. pp. 122–23. ISBN 978-0-312-09083-8.
  • "Thirteen Views of a Cardboard City" in Garnett, David (1997). New Worlds. Clarkston: White Wolf Pub. pp. 338–349. ISBN 978-1-56504-190-5. Republished in Kelly, James (2007). Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology. San Francisco: Tachyon Publications. ISBN 978-1-892391-53-7.
  • "Dougal Discarnate" in Gartner, Zsuzsi, ed. (2010). Darwin's Bastards. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. ISBN 978-1-55365-492-6. OCLC 436620011.



A neck barcode tattoo, the sole element of Gibson's Alien 3 script which was included in the final cut of the film.



  • William Gibson Archangel (2016) – 5-part comic with Michael St. John Smith and Butch Guice.
  • William Gibson's Alien 3 (2019) – 5-part comic with Johnnie Christmas and Tamra Bonvillain.



Nightscape of Singapore, which Gibson characterized as "Disneyland with the death penalty" in a Wired article of the same name.
An unshiny amateur example of dorodango, the subject of Gibson's eponymous "Shiny Balls of Mud" article for Tate Magazine in 2002.

Forewords, introductions and afterwords

Screen appearances

Acting appearances

Gibson at an Amazon Fishbowl online talk show in Seattle, Washington, 2007-08-06. Gibson is a frequent guest speaker at conferences and symposia.


Television appearances
