Wyczółki Park
In 1805, castellan Franciszek Krotkowski, who then owned the village of Wyczyółki, built there the Wyczółki Manor House as his residence. It was placed near two Berensewicz Ponds. Around them was developed an English landscape garden. In 1938, the area was incorporated into Warsaw. In 1965, the park, together with sculptures located in it, were given the status of a protected cultural property.
The park is located between Łęczyny, Wyczółki, and Pieskowa Skała Streets. It is a private property, and closed off to the public. It includes the Wyczółki Manor House, a historical residence dating to 1805, several sculptures, and a small chappell. There are also located to small lakes, known as the Berensewicz Ponds. It has an area of 3 ha.
There are present tree species such as elm, silver poplar, horse chestnut, Norway maple, pedunculate oak, and to the lesser extent also eastern white pine, Austrian pine, and European larch. Three elms, with diameters of their trunks over 3 m, have statues of natural monument. Additionally, such distinction was also held by a black poplar, with diameter of its trunk of 625 cm, making it one of the largest trees in the city. It lost said status in 2012, following its death.
The park, together with sculptures located in it, have the status of a protected cultural property.
- ^ Tomasz Urzykowski (18 January 2022). "Dwór sprzed ponad 200 lat na Ursynowie popada w ruinę. Konserwator zawiadomił prokuraturę". warszawa.wyborcza.pl (in Polish).
- ^ "Dwór na Wyczółkach. Piękno, które popada w ruinę! FOTO". haloursynow.pl (in Polish). 5 April 2020.
- ^ Czesław Łaszek: Przyroda Warszawy. Warsaw: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1980, p. 19. (in Polish)
- ^ Lech Królikowski: Ursynów wczoraj, dziś, jutro. Warsaw, 2014, p. 77. (in Polish)
- ^ "Wykaz zabytków nieruchomych wpisanych do rejestru zabytków (księga A) – stan na 30 września 2024 roku. Woj. mazowieckie (Warszawa)". nid.pl (in Polish).
- ^ Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka: Turystyka i wypoczynek w zabytkowych parkach Warszawy. Gdynia: Wydawnictwo Novae Res, 2009, p. 135. ISBN 978-83-61194-88-0. (in Polish)
- ^ Kwiryna Handke: Dzieje Warszawy nazwami pisane. Warszawa: Museum of Warsaw, 2011, pp. 368, 379. ISBN 978-83-62189-08-3. (in Polish)
- ^ Uchwała Nr XLV/1198/2012 Rady miasta stołecznego Warszawy z dnia 18 października 2012 r. w sprawie zniesienia statusu pomników przyrody", Dziennik Urzędowy Województwa Mazowieckiego. Warsaw: Masovian Voivodeship Office, position 7304, 6 November 2012. (in Polish)