Sanghe Khalsa
STD code
Sanghe Khalsa's STD code is 01826
Sanghe Khalsa ਸੰਘੇ ਖਾਲਸਾ History The foundation of village sanghe Khalsa is laid by Chaudhary Daya Chand in 1704 Bikrami Samat and in English in 1647, Daya Chand Ji was from Surname Sanghe and they settled here from Khalsa Sanghe or Harimpur. It is 52 years before the establishment of Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh. Then this village was known as Sanghe of Daya. Daya Chand’s brother Matko Chand laid the foundation of village Sanghe Jagir. The village is on the other side of the main road. As the influence of Sikhism raised in area of Manjki Doaba under the establishment of Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh, this village was given a new home Sanghe Khalsa.
Education school
Pri Sanghe Khalsa Address: Sanghe Khalsa, Numahal, Jalandhar, Punjab. PIN- 144044, Post- Sidhwan R.S. Population According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Sangha Khalsa village is 030072. The total geographical area of village is 176 hectares. Sangha Khalsa has a total population of 674 peoples of which 336 are males and 338 are females population. There are about 138 houses in Sangha Khalsa village. Nurmahal is nearest town to Sangha Khalsa.
Transport Rail The nearest railway station to Sanghe Khalsa is Nurmahal which is located in and around 6.0 kilometer distance. The following table shows other railway stations and its distance Nakodar Jn railway station 6.5 KM. Sansarpur railway station 20.0 KM. Goraya railway station 22.3 KM. Jalandhar Cantt railway station 24.5 KM.